{11} The Bar.

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Good Girls ~ 5 Seconds Of Summer

Party In the USA ~ Miley Cyrus <°~°>

In-N-Out ~ We The Kings

Nori's P.O.V

I woke up to loud snoring.

Realizing it was Loki and Jervis, I groaned pushing my fat puppy and purring kitten of my face. A flood of light surprised me out of nowhere,  indicating someone else is in my room. I sat up, not caring to look at the person who I can tell is smirking because I'm currently wearing "5Sauce" footsie pajamas. Chubi characters of the boys are scattered throughout the woolly pj's; along with drumsticks, bananas, bandannas, penguins, and kiwifruit.

"You know I could take it off." I spat in the direction of the shadow casting on my bed, glaring daggers at my sheets as if they were Luke, who I suspected was the arse that woke me up.


"You are repulsive." I gasped loudly,  making my way to the large oak wardrobe in the corner of my room.

"I'm going to get dressed, we have plans for today with Vanessa, Diane, and Charlie." I informed,  pulling out a pair of acid-washed-high-waisted-jeans and a large thick black Beatles jumper I had borrowed from Charlie. Luke nodded before plopping down on my bed lazily reaching out for a book on my nightstand and placing it over his face.


"Get out!?"

"I am out, I'm in Wonderland." He answered in a no da tone, pointing at the Alice and wonderland book on his place. "I'm just a sane as you are." He said out of nowhere,  most likely trying to quote the book.

"Luna Lovegood." I laughed, "Not Alice." I smiled widely pushing him off the bed and out the door. "Tell the boys to be ready by 6:30." He nodded, walking slowly down the hall with a sly smirk growing on his face.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

"So, Where are we going?" Naill groaned from the backseat. I pulled of the ramp, an into the drive in of the club Charlie gave me directions to. "Not that I'm complaining about seeing Nessa, but-"

"Nessa?" I laughed.

"Oh yeah, We've been in touch."

"That fast, Niall?!" Zayn chuckled. He's been like this all morning, flirty and joking. It would seem like he didn't remember yesterday, but I would catch him starring at me concerned every five minutes.

"Not in that way!?"

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


"Relax, Sex on the beach is the name of a drink." Luke laughed. "But if you're interested in that." He winked, and nudged my shoulder. I groaned before downing the drink.



"You're not actually flirting with me, right?"

"Nori, It's just humorous to see you react to it, how you react to me." He smiled, nudging my shoulder again and taking a shot. "Plus, I already know you have a thing for Zayn." He shrugged, and gestured the bartender for another.


"Speaking of- that ass." Luke muttered, shaking his head. "I swear to God, that son of a-" The rest was muffled by the shot he took. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to turn my head to where Luke was glaring behind me, but someone blocked my view.

"Hey, Narwali!" Charlie slurred. "Hey-Hey do me a favor, and pry that sexy b-beast off my sister?" He laughed, pointing across the bar at what looks like Vanessa snogging A blonde. I squinted my eyes looking closer. Niall?! "He's getting pretty deep there." Charlie sighed, tilting his head. "I need my horny boyfriend, MASON, BOO, WHERE ARE YOU!"

As soon as he walked away someone grabbed my by the wrists, pulling me to the dance floor. Wincing, I glared up at Louis. "What was that for?"

"I just thought you'd want to talk. We haven't been able to ever since I arrived." He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. His eye averted from mine to behind me. What's so interesting?

"Um- Lou, I kinda know your trying to distract me." I groaned, trying to push myself out of his grip. He just sighed pulling me closer. "Louis, seriously."

"Oh look, Diane." He chuckled nervously, pointing at Diane. She was laughing hysterically with a hand on Harry's back as he threw up into a plastic shrub. "That's unfortunate." He gagged. "Damn, If he wasn't enjoying all that touching, I think it would be considered rape."

"They should fuck."




"It's Zayn, right?"


"With another girl?"


"She hot?"

"Platinum blonde."

"Short dress, long nails?"

"Most likely."

"That bastard."

"Want pay back?"

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Diane's P.O.V

"What did you drink?" I laughed, hauling Harry up right.

"You're so sexy, you k-know that?" He giggled twirling my hair. "Lou slipped something in my drink." He giggled louder "I think I'm going to pass out. Help me, sexy."

"Yeah, Calm your tits, Romeo." I laughed.

"But- Damn, You have big boobs."


Vanessa ' s P.O.V

"We really are making fools of ourselves, aren't we?" Niall laughed, resting his forehead against mine.

"Wow, looks were not the only ones." I gasped pointing at Harry. Harry charged into Diane's lips, after Diane kissed back he pumped his fist into the air. Earning wolf whistles and cheering.

"Oh we could beat that!" Niall smirked

"Let's show those children how it done." I grinned, forcefully pulling Niall to my lips.



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