{13} Pick a mood, please.

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I Feel Like Dancin' ~ All Time Low


"Nori, How dare you not tell me!" My aunt's voice blasted through the speaker causing me to wince. "When Simon told me I refused to believe him unless I saw proof, so when he showed me your podcast-"

"My podcast?"

"Yes, that Zayn is one rugged piece-"

"I get it!"

"Anyway, Simon has a surprise for you - well, more of an offer." she squealed, "The girls should be there any minute." She mused, sounding like she would burst in a fit of sunshine and rainbows.

"The girls- Aunt M, What girls?"

"Goodbye, Nori, my sweet!"

What the hell was that. Is this what I get for trying to escape my problems through music? If Simon is trying to offer me a record deal I won't hesitate to deny. I can't even deal with my - 2,000 follower - Twitter page, image how horrible it would be if I were pushed into the spotlight. Everyone would know about my past, and that's not what I want - or need.

"Nori?" A deep voice asked, before I could hear light knocks on my door. "C-Can I talk to you?" Now I recognize that voice. I've only heard Zayn's voice vulnerable once, and its something you don't forget. It's gravely and in hushed tone he makes sure only you to hear, but his beautiful voice aside and being the impatient ass he is - He opened the door anyway, not waiting for my reply.

"Can I help you?" I groaned.

"I want to talk, like normal people do, without smartass remarks, yeah?" he muttered, clearing his throat. I nodded slowly, trying to get him to continue. "You and Liam, right?"

"Yeah, and?" I spat.

"Nothing, good- that's great. Perri and I have this thing going, so it's not like-"

"Not like what, Zayn?"

"Stop it, I'm sick of this - of you." He seethed through gritted teeth. "What happened to the sweet girl I met the first night?" He groaned. Damn, Pick a mood please. He frustratingly rubbed at the his chin, before forcing a hand his quiff.

"I regret showing you that side of me."

"Can't we just let this whole thing go - mind you, this started for no reason - and back to normal." He sighed.

"You - You're the one that text me while you were pissed drunk. Keeping me worried that you'd do something stupid - Which you did. What did I see when I came home? You barely consensus sprawled across the couch. Then as I was helping you upstairs you kept saying these stupid things about Harry and I. Yes Zayn, I have a reason to act like this."

"Can't we just go back; be mates."

"I highly doubt you definition of mates is the same as mine." I spat. Or heads snapped to the door frame where Liam was slouched against heat rising on his cheeks as we glared at him.

"Uh, H-Hey, babe?" He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. It's quiet obvious Liam is still uneasy with this relationship we have. I just hope it isn't bothering him. "Someone is here for you, she said they others would be here soon?" He smirked. Okay, he knows something I don't.

"Who is it?"

"I LOVE YOUR HAIR!" A guy - most likely Mikey - shouted from down stairs, followed by a loud thud.


"Who is that, Liam?" I laughed, hauling myself out of bed. When I reached the door he wrapped his arm around my waist, which caused Zayn to scoff behind us. Liam chuckled letting his head fall on top of mine, and smirk at Zayn. "She sounds friendly."

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