{15} Danny

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"You're really doing it?" Livy whispered to me as we sat down next to each other for dinner. I gave a nod. "In that case, I'd like to plan your party!"

"Sure, Livy, that'd be great." I smiled weakly, and stood from my seat. "I'll be in my room. Girls, feel free to spend the night." I laughed at the thought that came to mind. "And no sex in the music room!"

They turned bright red, "Night, Nori!"

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I didn't bother to turn and face who ever it was at my bedside. I just snuggled into my pillow more, and waited for whoever it was to assume I was asleep and leave.

"Thank god your asleep. I just want you to know Perr and I aren't together," he paused. The bed dipped as he sat down and chuckled. "You and Liam seem happy, and I guess that makes me happy to see you happy, so yeah? You're happy?" Zayn let out a deep sigh, mumbling. "I know you're not happy, at least not to your fullest-"



"Why are you in here?"

He looked completely relieved that I didn't hear what he just said. "I- um, Liam, yeah, Liam wants you?"

"Does he now?"


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"Nori, fuck, H-Hey."

"Are you alright?" I asked lightly. I know he isn't, though. He looks god damn awful right now, his hair sticking up in different places, his eyes blood shot and puffy with tears brimming his eyes, and he has the weakest attempt of a smile on his lips.

"It's Dani, she-" that's when he broke, "Nori, I can't, I want to help you. Your the closest thing I've had to family since I've become famous, I love you, your like a sister, and I don't want to lose you like I lost my family. I want to help you. I really do, but Danielle and Zayn are both hurting- I don't want to hurt people!" He sobbed.

I quickly pulled him into a hug, "Hey, shh, Liam, it's okay. I'm right here, you haven't lost me. I love you too, Liam, You boys are like the brothers I've never wanted." He laughed. "Guess what, you're single."


"I know that's what has been bothering you. Dani wants you back, huh?" I smirked nudging his side. "Liam, your officially my brother now, I dub the!"

"So, if I were to call Dani-"

"I'd be okay, we're not together."

"I love you, sis."

"You too, Lame-ass, now I'm going to sleep."

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"Danny, do you have any idea how much you've put me through?" I sobbed forcefully pushing on his chest, but he didn't budge. "You can't blame the disorder anymore, things are getting to far, and I don't know if I can-"

"I love you."

"You're just in love with the thought of having an emotional punching bag, sometimes literal. I'm tired of being treated like a rag doll. Even if BPD is causing you to act this way, it's still your fault, you chose to not take your medication."

"You'll understand." He mummered, tears brimming his eyes. "I love you, and I know you can't see past it, my bad decisions have blinded you from it. North, I love you, and I will love you til the day I die, and whether that's soon or not, you deserve to know I really do care about you!"


*dream flashes to a week later*

"I-I'm sorry."

"No, no, danny, don't, just step down from the ledge." I spoke quietly out of breath. He was going to do it. I know he was. No form of persuasion would change his mind, and the fuck up thing is he wouldn't even dream of this if he didn't have this disorder. "Danny,"

He glanced at me sideways, and it about shattered my heart. His eyes filled with terror, his lip quivering, and he was shaking slightly. "Not like this, not today. Come here-"

"I love you, I'm sorry." With that, he edged his foot forward, and as if in slow motion my world ended as he let go of the bars on the bridge railing.

And he fell.

And he was gone.



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