{4} Midnight Podcasts.

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Hold On ~ Good Charlotte

Too Young ~ Phoenix

Good Girls ~ Five Seconds of Summer

I Feel like dancin' ~ All Time Low

Dani California ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers

Good girls are bad girls that haven't-

I moaned and hit the large red stop button on my radio alarm clock. Kat was still asleep on my bed, sprawled out, she's a very violent sleeper.

That's why I took the floor.

I yawned before pushing myself off the floor. I scrambled to pull the purple wool blanket I slept with last night off my body, after I placed my hand on each side of me to push myself off the floor. Once up, I padded my way over to my closet for a coat, the house gets cold during the night.

"Kitty, I'll be in the Basement."

I whispered in to Kat's ear, but she just responded with mumbling incoherent nonsense. I chuckled lightly, and walked quietly to the door. The floor creaked as i walked, and the hall was very cold so I rapped the coat tighter around me. I peeked down stairs to see if the boys were awake, and to my Luck the lights were off and no one was in the family room.

I padded down the stairs and through the halls to reach the cellar. The cellar is a dimly lit room large open room with Maroon walls and cream colored carpet, with instruments scattered everywhere. It's a room where I film my podcasts and practice my music, in private. I rounded down the spiral stair case that lead to the bottom floor, but something made me stop before I reached the last steps. There was faint piano melody playing, but it stopped abruptly once I continued down the steps.

"Hello?" A deep British voice asked. I stopped, it couldn't be the 5sos boys, they have Aussie accents. It had to be either Louis or Liam, they're the only ones that I know of that could play. By the sound of their voice it can't be Louis, he has a higher voice. The voice was deep and raspy, but the only odd thing is. Liam's voice isn't like that?



"What are you doing down here?" I questioned, as I walked through the arch way into the 'Music room'. To my surprise, Zayn was sitting at our 1917 Steinway B. Louis mahogany grand piano, he ways turned back to me on the bench with a shocked expression. He adjusted his black jumper before turning all the way around. "Zayn?"

"I was going to bed with the boys, when I found the stairwell down here." He stammered, and quickly stood from the bench. "I was curious, sorry I should go back up stairs." He said quickly, and walked past me to the staircase, but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"Wait, was that you playing?"

"Oh, um yeah?" He shook his head, and turned away. When he turned back I could easily tell his cheeks were tinted red, even in the dim light. "Was I the one that woke you?"

"No it wasn't you, a alarm woke me."

"Oh, who else is up?"

"I set it, you twat!"

"Why, its midnight?" he asked, following me inside the studio portion. I started logging into my podcast and setting the camera up, Zayn just sat on a red love seat and watched me intently. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you to leave." I joked, as I set the speaker volume to the right level for the camera to pick up the sound. Zayn rolled his eyes and laid back on the couch, crossing his legs over the rest and hands behind his head. He looked like Ken doll trying to fit on a Polly pocket chair. "I have a Podcast every first Friday." I explained quietly, and fixed a black curtain as a backround.

"I knew you could sing." he said smugly "What's your song today?" He asked, and turned on his side.

"Rather Be."

"That's awesome, great song."

"How you manage to stay so perky at this hour is starting to scare me." I groaned and pressed the record button on the camera. "Hey everyone, this months cover is Rather Be by The Clean Bandits." I said, as I grabbed Uke and smiled into the camera.

"We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea

But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be

I would wait forever, exalted in the scene

As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat." I sang and played a few cords in the Ukulele. I glanced over at Zayn who had his eyes closed and a faint smirk on his face.

"With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay

Strolling so casually

We're different and the same, gave you another name

Switch up the batteries." Zayn sang off camera, making my eyes widen and quickly signal him to stop.

"If you gave me a chance I would take it

It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it

Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be." I sang, and giggled after quietly cause Zayn was mouthing the words and dancing. Very horribly.

"We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace

Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete

It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity

As long as we're together, there's no place I'd rather be." Zayn said trying to got into the shot, but I used my foot-which is out of frame-to stop him.

"With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay

Strolling so casually

We're different and the same, gave you another name

Switch up the batteries." We sang together. I gave up my effort to stop him, and let him come into frame. Luckily no one even watches my podcasts.

"If you gave me a chance I would take it

It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it

Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be" We sang together again, but Zayn tired to show off and ended with a high note. I winced in surprise that his belt went that high, and chuckled lightly at his facial expression. He smiled at the camera, and hit stop.

"Very interesting." Someone said from the archway, making Zayn and I look up quickly. It was Michael, with a sly smirk in his face. "Zayn, you're such a flirt. Stop teasing this poor girl, you twat!" My eyes widened, and I cringed.

"What woke you?"

"Zayn's screeching."

"You mean my perfect pitch."


"You wish you could sing that high!"

"Why would I want to screech like a damn bird!?"

"SHUT IT!" I screamed "I'm going back to bed." I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "Thanks for the duet, Zayn." He smiled lightly before shoving Michael. Michael laughed and jumped on Zayn's back, causing them to topple over.

Rolling my eyes, I walked upstairs.


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