{14} The Panic

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Hello/Goodbye ~ Erin McCarley

Breathe Me ~ Sia

"Mind telling me about," I gesture at Diane's whole body trying to lightly drop a heavy hint. "this."

"Well- I don't really know. I just woke up next to Harry like this, and do not reference that idiotic song!" She cringed at the thought, but before I could assure her I wouldn't Kota came out of no where and wrapped her arm around my waist with a devilish smirk on her face.


"Mind telling me why they are here?"

"Hell if I know."

"She knows." Liam chuckled, letting his chest rise and fall with a rhythm that would make any - other - girls heart skip a beat. His beautiful chestnut brown eyes, and the way he gets small wrinkles at the edge because his laughter is so goddamned violent and contagious he squints tightly - nearly closing his eyes. Any girl would be lucky to have him. I don't deserve him - He doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

"He wants to put her in a group." Zayn mumbled, looking down at his phone as he lazily leaned against the stairwell. His eyes a honey color that makes my heart melt, a color that makes you lock in a trance not daring to look away as if the gorgeous color would disappear the second you blink. His whole face is just a breathtaking masterpiece that can never be duplicated, Nor his actions. Like the way he smiles, how crooked it is. How it raises higher the slightest bit on one side, and it appears that he's smirking. How his hair, with the perfectly placed strand of blond that blends with his normal hair when he's too lazy to put it up. I could barely blink, let alone look away.



"Excuse me?"

"That's the name," Livy shrugged "Infinite."

"We have a name?" I gaped.

"We. You said 'We'. You're in!"



"No offense to all of you, but I don't want to be a cookie cutter. If I'm going to make music, I'd want it to be my music, something that means something to - not only me, but the people that chose to listen to it. I'm saying no, but if I'm going to be in a band we have to be a real band, like Queen."

"The Beatles?"


"Cat Power."

"No doubt."


"We are the in crowd."

"The Killers."

"All Time Low."

"The Misfits."

"You Me at Six."


"You know what they say-"

"Real bands save fans." Zayn cut me off smirking - I think - still looking at his phone as if he never chimmed in. "We know-"

"And Real fans save Bands."

"If I can cut in," Macy mumbled quietly. "I told Simon I wouldn't agree if we weren't allowed to use our own music."

"My condition was no fake clothes and personality." Sky laughed, "If I'm going to be in a band, I want to be in a band. No fake persona. Just me."

"I asked to see our management contract." Livy shrugged, "It's an exact copy of yours." She nodded at Luke and Calum who were the only members of their band listening - Mikey was too busy comparing his flappy bird score to Sky's, and Ash was too busy teaching Kota how to properly treat a 'punk-rock' drum set.

"Really?" Calum sputtered out, "I rewrote that whole contract, theirs was too restricting."

"Like no cursing." Luke laughed.

"No interaction with fans!"

"No dating."

"Don't trust anyone."

"Correction," Cal butted in. "Don't trust management. Our contract gives us enough freedom to be who we are, teens."

"I'm twenty." Ash muttered under his breath.

"Well you act eighteen."

"We're all eighteen." Kota laughed "No one cares about how old you are, Irwin." She smirked.

"Shut it."

"It's okay, Ash. They're just angry they arn't as mature as we are; us twenty year olds." I smirked fist bumping him.

"You're twenty?" Everyone gaped.

"Twenty-one as of Halloween."

"That's not even a week away!"

"I know, but this is besides the point!" I chuckled lightly. "I'll join. Okay, I agree, I'll be 1/5 of Infinite." I sighed knowing within seconds I'd be tackled to the ground. I shut my eyes waiting for impact, but it never came. I opened my eyes, and everyone was just staring at me as if I lost my head.


"Yeah, Why not?"

"You're sure?" Calum sputtered with worry in his eyes as if I was agreeing to sell my soul to hades - Hercules reference. "It's a lot of attention, Nori. A lot of publicity. A lot of trouble and hate, are you sure?"



Excuse the short crappy update, guys. The next ones will be worth one shitty chappie.

ANYWHORE, I'd like to say in advance that I do not own any of Infinite's music. I'll make sure to give credit to the band's music I might use, but I'm not stealing nor taking their songs.

HEADS UP, I will be adding a few more familiar faces for Nori's birthday/Halloween party chapter. *cough* Brendon *cough* Alex *cough* Gwen *cough*

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