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Chapter Four: Titan

Hazel watched as Stark delivered some speech she wasn't really listening too, her mind lost in her own little world. Her mind only listening carefully for the key word, letting them know it was time to strike. Before she knew it Peter was flying through the air, knocking the child of Thanos over, wrapping him up in web fluid.

Hazel, adapting to the environment around her, willed the ground to push up through the ships floor and attempted to incase him a little ball.

"Do you think that will-" Peter's voice echoed off the walls, being cut off immediately after as rubble came shooting from every direction.

"Do you take me as a fool, child?"

Hazel ducked as things came flying at her, dodging to her best ability she made sure he was distracted as Tony went to help the Doctor.

"How come you don't have a nose?" Hazel asked closing her hands into fists, fire igniting. "Why don't bad guys get noses?"

He yelled, long white fingers twiddling in the air, a grim smile on his crusty lips.

"You think you can stop me?"

The Doctors screams filled the air, Hazel watched as spikes dug deeper into his skin.

"Peter!" Hazel yelled, "Now!"

Peter swung around her, a childish laugh escaped his lips as a blast of fire from Stark's suit shot out and hit the ships wall, a giant chuck falling out into the void. The Squidward looking guy who calls himself Ebony Maw's eyes widen with surprise as he was grasped by gravity and shot out into space.

"Crap." Hazel muttered watching as the Doctor quickly followed close behind, "Hold on!"

"I got him." Peter came out of nowhere, string shooting over her head and connecting onto the Doctor, Peter freaking out attempting to stay on the ship.  Large spider like legs shot out of his suit, burying themselves into the ship. He yelled out with joy before staring at them, "What are those?!"

"Move." Stark said from above, pieces of the ship a few feet from his grasp.

Peter hauled the man up and off to the side, meeting Hazel safely on the landing. They watched as Stark pieced the ship back together, the hole fixing itself as if it was never there.

"Well." Hazel said, "Wasn't that easy."

Stark glared at her, his gaze quickly moving onto Peter as well.

Stark motioned for them to stay where they were, the Doctor gave the two weird looks before bickering with Stark. Hazel listened intently, interested to hear anything she should know. Peter kept nudging her arm, whispering stuff close to her ear.

"Do you think he'll make us go home?" He asked.

"Nope." Hazel said, "We're to far away now, but he'd make you go for sure if it wasn't for distance."

"Why not you?" His voice was a little louder, he faced her now staring down at her.

"You have Aunt May." She told him with a small shrug, "I've got nobody down there."

Peter went to say something but Hazel quickly turned away, moving her focus to the two men who made their way closer.

"Fine." Strange said, "But if it's up to me to save your life, or the kids life, or the girls life or the stone. I'm picking the stone, the stone means the universe and that's more important."

"Hm." Stark got out, tapping the man on the lower shoulder. "Good to know your morals."

"Good for you, kid." Stark said coming up to Peter, his arm out stretched he tapped him on the shoulders not making eye contact. "You're an Avenger now."

Hazel watched, a small smile on her lips.

"If you're giving away positions does that mean I can be an Avenger."


"What?" Hazel exclaimed, "How is that fair?"


"I'm having trouble understanding-"

"Barnes!" His voice was strict, everyone falling silent. He never called her by her last name, he hated it. Hazel only felt guilt when he used her last name to make her shut up, it meant he was truly done and needed time to think.

Hazel kept her mouth closed, Peter stuck closely next to her as they followed the two adults attempting to find the control room.

The ship lurched, Hazel tripped on a step and face planted onto the ground.

"What the hell." Stark mumbled looking around, another lurch shuck the ship.

"I think we're here." Strange said running into a room, Peter pulled Hazel up and dragged her behind. A large window was placed just ahead, two control things sat next to each other.

"Do you think this has a self park option?" Stark asked, panic flashing in his eyes. "Hey, Parker put your hand in here and pull. Ok."

Hazel stood next to Strange as Peter did as he was told, Stark putting his arm in the other one. The ship lurched once again and they all stumbled forward, wind cracking against the windshield.

"Hey, hey." Peter mumbled, "Turn, turn, turn. Turn!"

"Hazel, a little help."

"Oh yah." She mumbled planting her feet on the ground, closing her eyes she attempted to catch a hold of the wind, willing it to slow down the large ship.

"It's not working." Hazel called out, loud noises filling her ears. "It's something to do with the ship."

Strange stood in front of her, waving his hands around a large orange circle appeared, his hands separated and the circle flew around the group.

"Holy-" Hazel managed to get out as the ship crashed into the ground, sliding, throwing everyone around. She closed her eyes tight and waited for any contact with the ground, it never came.

"Looks like your ability is working now."

Hazel opened her eyes, she was facing the ground but hovering over it, nose missing the ground by just a hair.

"I'm not doing this." Hazel said pulling herself into a sitting position before hitting the ground.

"Your welcome." Strange smirked, still standing. Hazel watched as Stark pulled himself up off the ground.

"I thought we weren't worth your time." Stark said, glaring.

The man shrugged, "I don't mind her. She seems to be the only one who you don't control."

Hazel smiled, winking at Stark she crossed her arms. "I have loving qualities."

"Hey." Peter's voice rang out, they all turned to see him upside down, dangling from a web. "If something plants eggs inside my chest-"

"No- No more pop culture references from you, ok!" Stark's voice was firm.

"I was just trying to say something is coming."

Hazel's eyes widened as a ball rolled towards them, a ship door opening from a distance and a group of people exiting holding weapons.

"Goddammit." Hazel muttered. "Can't we catch a break?"

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