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Chapter Eight:


Peter flung threw the air, summersaulting onto the ground he jumped back and ran.

"That's Thanos." Mr Stark yelled, "He's the one."

"Hazel!" Peter yelled again sprinting, trying to reach her. She was on the ground, hands over her ears. He could hear her screaming, yelling things that didn't make sense.

As soon as Peter reached her side, Thanos disappeared in a haze of blue fog.

Hazel was on her side, curled up in a ball whispering things, meaningless things.

"He used the reality stone." Peter Quill said, "Used it against her."

"What does it do?" Peter asked sitting next to her, touching her shoulder.

"Bends reality. Makes you see something that isn't really there. It's quite trippy, that's how Thanos got Gamora, the Reality Stone."

"Red." Hazel whispered, "Face."

"She knows something that he wants." Mantis, the egg chick said, "What Gamora knows as well."

"What?" Mr Quill asked, "That's he took her! Why didn't he take the kid too?"

"Yellow. Stone. Death. Life for another." Hazel was still muttering words, "Steve. Sorry."

"Steve?" Mr Stark said, "What does Rogers have anything to do with this?"

Peter frowned watching Hazel, her hands were still tight against her ears, the only thing that had changed was that she had stopped shaking.

"What do we do?"

"Hazel." Mr Stark said crouching next to her, "Hey, wake up. C'mon, Hazel."

Peter wiped away tears from her eyes, he had never seen her cry in front of people before.

"I can wake her." Mantis said, the woman walked over and took the spot where Mr Stark had crouched and placed her hands onto Hazel's head. She closed her eyes and Peter watched as two little orbs lit up at the top of her head, "Wake." She whispered.

Hazel sat up, a gasp escaping her lips.

"Oh my god." She mumbled, "Oh my-"


"Peter!" She exclaimed grabbing him into a hug, "Are you real?"

"Yah." He chuckled hugging her back, "I'm real."

Hazel let go and pulled herself to her feet, wiping her eyes with her sleeves she looked around widely.

"I need to get back to earth." She said, "I need to find Steve."

"Why?" Mr Stark asked, "What does he have anything to do with this?"

"He was right."

"Right about what?"

"I don't know!" She yelled, "That's the thing! I saw it, I kept seeing it and he warned me and I knew what it was when I was gone but now I can't remember!"

She started breathing heavily, looking around Peter held out his arm for her to grab. Hazel gripped his arm and leaned against him, she was shaking again. Peter was worried, about everything. He didn't understand what was really going on, he just knew there was another bad guy and that he had to try to help stop him. Yes, he was in freaking space now, this was a whole other ball game.

"What's this Thanos guy planning to do anyways?" Peter asked, realizing nobody had told him anything.

"Wipe out half of the universe." Quill said glumly, "With only the snap of his fingers, half of the universe will cease to exist."

"Oh." Peter voice was quiet, not knowing what else to say. What would happen if he did snap his fingers? Would Peter be able to go home and see Aunt May again, tell her how much he loved her and how he hated how much he always made her worry.

"I need to find him! He can help, I know he can." Hazel blurted out, looking around with wide eyes. "I think he's one of the key factors into defeating the grape."

"Okay. So, you think you have this meaningful thing to say and then you ruin it with calling people nick names." Peter nudged her, "The nicknames ruin the suspense."

Hazel shook her head, clearly not caring.

"No he doesn't." Mr Stark said, "Not since he left, he has no part of this."

"Can you please get your head out of your ass!" Hazel yelled, "I get it, he's done some stuff and so has his friend but we need all the help we can get!"

"You do not speak to me like that!" His voice was raised, even Peter was getting a little scared. But Hazel wasn't, she never was anymore.

"You don't understand-"

"Yes I do!" Mr Stark said, putting his foot down. "You have no right to speak to me with such tone and language, young lady!"

"Don't call me that! You act like you're my dad but you're not! So stop! I don't need it because everyone always ends up leaving me one way or another."

Mr Stark frowned, staring at Hazel who was truly just a child. A little younger then Peter but she had gone through so much all at once. She had lost everything then got little back, she was thrown into a place she had no intention of being because it was better then a foster home or an orphanage.

"I know." He said calmly, "Your father is down on earth doing who knows what! Your real dad is a murder and a war criminal. As far as I'm concerned I wouldn't want you as a kid, ok. And if you're so content with this attitude of yours, you don't need to live at the headquarters because you are no longer allowed there."

Hazel was quiet, Peter could see she was trying not to cry.

"Fine." Hazel told him, "Fight Thanos by yourself but when you lose, it's on you. It's always on you."

Hazel looked up at Peter and gave him a small nod, a way to say see you later between them.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I don't know." Hazel said, "Nor do I care."

"You can't just walk away-"

"I'm not." She told them, "I'm finding a way to win since you have no intention of helping."

And with that, Peter watched Hazel walk away from Mr Stark and from him.

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