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Chapter Six:

Hazel walked around aimlessly, nothing and nobody was around her. She hadn't meant to go so far, only to walk a bit farther from the group. Hazel hadn't realized only a distance could make them disappear, in a haze of red fog.

"Damnit." She mumbled looked around, stopped in her tracks.

Looking around, nothing changed. She couldn't hear any voices, couldn't see any figures in the fog.

"Stark!" She yelled out, "Peter?"

With no response she continued walking. The wind picked up, blowing her hair behind her while pushing her back somehow.

"Hello?" She called out, something was telling her that this wasn't normal. "Is anyone there?"

Footsteps sounded, large, heavy steps somehow echoed through the air.


Hazel had to look up, the man was so tall. He was taller then anyone Hazel had seen, and he was purple.

Hazel took a step back, he mirrored her movement.

"What do we have here?" His voice was deep, "A lost hero trying to find trouble?"

Hazel shook her head, to scared to say anything. She had a feeling she knew who this man was, that he was the one trying to kill half of the universe, the one Steve had warned her about only years before.

"Yes, What was I thinking. A hero wouldn't wear jeans and a large shirt to battle."

"It's a Hoodie." Hazel found herself saying, she couldn't help herself.

He chuckled, staring down at Hazel with those scary eyes.

"My apologies."

Hazel took another step back as he crouched on the ground, showing off his gloved hand.

"Are you Thanos?" Hazel whispered, her fear returning.

"There's no need to fear me, child. I have to intent to harm you."

Hazel forced a laugh, "That's not what everyone's saying."

"Do not listen to them. I do everything with purpose, child. I do nothing unless it is of great importance, I am saving the universe."

"I'm not stupid." Hazel said turning to walk away, only to find that she couldn't move.

"I only want to talk."

Hazel closed her eyes, trying to accept that she was probably going to get murdered by a large purple grape.


"Because children understand better. They are open minded, not yet shut off by the world that is dying." Thanos spoke, a small smile on his face. "You are the future, they all say. But, what if the future never came? What if the universe destroys itself."

"Not possible."

"You see, it is. With my help, with my power." He glimpsed at his glove, three glowing orbs shining from it. "I can fix everything, your precious Earth will balanced, in time you will see."

Hazel shifted uncomfortably, "Why are you telling me this?"

His smile faltered, replaced by a frown.

"You remind me of my child. She ruled by my side, she was the most feared woman in the galaxy- until she betrayed me." He explained, "Now she knows how to help me but refuses too. She knows where the Soul Stone is. The rightful place of that stone belongs with me, in the gauntlet."

Hazel didn't know what to do, she stood awkwardly treating this like school when teachers tried speaking to her about something she wasn't  interested in. Like that, Hazel wanted nothing to do with the man who crouched in front of her. He wanted to make her feel like she was one with him, like she knew what he was going through. Hazel knew those techniques, of manipulation. As soon as he stood up again, she'd know he meant business.

"I can't help you."

"Yes, you can."

"No." Hazel said, with as much confidence as she could muster. "I will not help you."

He laughed, this time it wasn't playful or welcoming. He stood up, just as Hazel had envisioned.

"Yes, child. You will."

"And how the hell am I supposed to help you?"

"You, Hazel Barnes." He spoke slowly, "Are the only other person who knows where the Soul Stone is. And you, will tell me where it is."

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