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Welcome to Beverly Hills High!

Chapter One

Ashley Sky POV

"Ashley, for the fifth time, please refrain from causing any trouble at school as a senior high student." My father sighed, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'll try to keep a low profile and avoid trouble, even though it seems to find me." I reminisced about past school events, tapping my finger against my chin.

He gave me a stern look. "Ashley, I'm being serious." He said, tossing his newspaper onto the kitchen counter.

"I know, Dad, but it feels like karma." I replied, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying out of the house to avoid Charlotte, my stepmother's impending lecture.

I jogged out of the mansion and hopped on my forbidden bike, even though my stepmother warned me about spoiling my father's reputation. I quickly put on my helmet and revved up the bike, heading towards the entrance of the estate.

When the security guard finally opened the gates, I zoomed onto the streets, not caring about violating a red light since I was already late.

After a few minutes of racing towards my new school, I finally arrived. As I pulled into the parking lot, I could feel the curious eyes of the fellow students locked on me.

I found a good spot in the parking lot and decided to park my bike there. Slowly, I got off and stood next to my bike.

With my helmet still on, I looked around and noticed that most students were staring at me. I glanced down at my outfit, making sure everything looked okay.

(A/n - Outfit above)

I let my blonde hair flow freely as I took off my helmet and placed it on the bike. Flashing my hair behind my shoulders, I confidently walked towards the school building.

"Hey, blonde!" I heard a male voice calling out to me.

I turned around, curiously and my eyes were met with a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes approaching me. The owner of those captivating eyes seemed a bit annoyed, which made me even more intrigued.

He had short dirty blond fade mullet hair, styled with wavy fringe, which added to his fascinating appearance. He was wearing black ripped pants, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket that matched his shoes.

As he walked towards me, I noticed that he was accompanied by two other guys who seemed like students as well. Sons of Olympus?

"What?" I asked, glancing up at the three towering figures before me.

"You parked your bike in my spot." He stated, pointing to where my bike rested.

I quirked an eyebrow.

"There's no name on it." I replied, noting several other vacant spots nearby.

"You must be new here, but I need to park my bike, so move yours." He demanded, arms folded across his chest as his voice grew louder.

"I refuse. I was here first, so..." I declared, stepping closer to his face.

"Touch my bike and you'll regret it, take it as a warning." I said, pressing my index finger firmly against his chest for emphasis before walking away.

"You'll be the one with regrets, take it as a hint, love." He called after me.

"Hint taken, jerk." I shot back with a smirk.


The bell for second period rang and I let out a groan as everyone hastily left the classroom.

Rising from my seat, I shuffled out of the dreadfully dull class, my steps as listless as a zombie's.

I hated Monday mornings...

I was weaving my way through the crowded hallway to my locker when I accidentally bumped into the same jerk from this morning.

"You should watch where you're going, love." He said, looking utterly unfazed as he blocked my way.

"Hey, sassy ass teenage boy with parking lot issues." I said with a faux smile, knowing I'd struck a nerve and his expression tightened.

"Keep talking like that and maybe you'll actually say something worth listening to." He retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Or you could just stop listening, but we both know you love the sound of my voice too much for that." I shot back, weaving around him towards my locker across the hall.

As I fumbled through my books to find the ones for my next class, I caught him leaning against the other lockers, drilling his gaze into the side of my face.

"You wanna know what I would love?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"To draw you a map so you can find your way out of my school and my parking spot." He said, flatly.

I slammed my locker shut, facing him squarely. "I could also draw you one too, so when I tell you to fuck off, you know exactly where to go." I replied with a shrug.

"And where is that, in your bed?" He jeered as students filtered in, prompting a forced chuckle from me.

"Keep dreaming, loser, but don't get too hard trying to think about it." I winked at him, before striding through the hall with the murmurs of students fading behind me.


As I frantically searched for my last class of the day, I somehow managed to get lost in the halls which made me frustrated.

I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair in exasperation. As I stood there, trying to recall the direction towards the administration office, I spotted someone familiar strolling into the hallway.

It was one of the boys who had been hanging around with that jerk earlier this morning; I didn't even know their names.

He caught me staring at him and I watched as he glanced around the hall before making his way towards me.

"Are you lost?" He asked, standing close enough for me to see the concern in his dark green eyes.

"A bit confused." I admitted.

He smiled slightly. "I'm Chase. What's your name?"

"Ashley." I responded, noticing his messy black undercut hair.

"So, which room are you looking for?" His tone was approachable, a stark contrast to the jerk from earlier.

"Room 214." I said, checking my schedule again.

"214?" He echoed, raising an eyebrow curiously.

I nodded.

"Me too, I could show you the way if you like." He confirmed, glancing at his phone.

"Or would you rather wander around like a headless chicken?" He smirked, gesturing with his hand to the hallway.

"No." I chuckled, appreciating his humor and he simply nodded in response.

We walked down the hall in silence until we arrived at a classroom door labeled '214.'

As we entered, the teacher paused her lecture and all eyes shifted toward us. I felt a dozen pairs of eyes on me, but it was a pair of blue ones that held my gaze.

At that moment, I sensed this year at my new school would be unforgettable.

Well, let's make the best of it!

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