Chapter 2: EXO

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"Yah!! hyung, I can hear your voice at the hallway. You don't really know how to relax?? huh??" Chanyeol said. The rest of EXO's members arrived.

"Oh!! she's awake." Baekhyun said when he noticed the girl at my back.

"Baekhyun." we are all shocked to what we've heard. the girl knows baekhyun's name?..Who is she??

"You know my name?" Baekhyun asked her curiously. Who is this girl. She's different from other humans we know. there's something in her...



"Baekhyun." I was shocked. She called Baekhyun in his name. It seems like she was sure about his name.

"You know my name?" Baekhyun was also shocked. Not just me and Baekhyun. All of us.

"Yeah??" Who is she??

"How?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I just know your names." huh?? She doesn't know??


"Kris-hyung take it easy will you?" he's really angry. I'm glad chen is behind him and sense what he's about to do.

"Don't get mad, Kris. please." Her eyes. she's about to cry???

"Yah!! don't cry. we're just curious about you. you know all our names??"


"Yah!! don't cry. we're just curious about you. you know all our names??" Luhan asked me. Huh?? Did I just... Wait.. They all look familiar.

"y-yeah.??" I wiped my tears. And started pointing and calling them with their names. "You're LuHan. He's Wu Yi Fan but he prefers to be called Kris. The guy beside him wearing a white tshirt is Kim JongDae or.....Chen?" I asked him with a smile. Am I guessing it right?? He just nod. I think I'm right about their names. "This guy beside me is Kim MinSeok or Xiumin. That guy near the door with black hair is Do Kyungsoo. preffered to call as DO. Beside him is Kim JongIn or Kai. On Kris' right side is Hwuang Zi Tao. The guy with cute dimple is Zhang Yixing or Lay. Beside LuHan, the guy wearing blue tshirt is Oh SeHun. That guy between Luhan and Lay is Kim JoonMyeon or Suho. I think I like your name. It means guardian right??"

"ah, yeah." he said then smiled. I smiled back. What is happening here?? I don't even know why I know their names. This makes my head hurt.

"This guy who never removes the smile on his face is Park Chanyeol and Beside him is Byun Baekhyun." I smiled after stating their names. I felt like I've known them. They just look at me. They're all in shock. I was also shocked for what I just done. Me, knowing their names but how?? "Mianhe, but I really don't know my name and why I know your names. Can someone tell me what happened?" I asked them. Hope to find the answers. What happened?? Why am I able to tell their names but I can't even remember mine.

"Ah well, Sehun found you in EXOforest.and-" Lay started talking.

"EXOforest??" I asked them. Sounds familiar??

" were lying on the same place where our tree of life died a week ago. Then-" tree of life??

"Tree of life??? EXOforest?? You're weird. Are you guys not human?? I mean, what are you exactly??" Now my head started to hurt again.


"Enough Baekhyun." Kris said. Aishhh!!!! I hate this. I know their names but I can't remember anything about myself. What is happening?? really.

"We're humans of course." It was Suho.

"Humans? But why was Kris' eyes bloody red earlier and" What are they?? "Please, I want to know the truth. It's weird but, I remember your names and faces but I don't know anything about myself." Please. I want to know everything.

"huh?..ahm.." no one answered me.

"yah!! why are you-"

"Excuse me, sorry for interrupting your conversations but I need to check the patient's vitals to see if she can go home now." the doctor said while entering the room. He checked my vitals for minutes and say that I was fine.

Now I'm in the car with the EXO. Well yeah, EXO, Chen told me that people called their group EXO. Are they a gang or what???

No ones talking. I'm starting to feel sleepy. We're in the car for almost thirty minutes. I don't know how long will it take to arrive at their dorm.

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