Chapter 12: I'm having flashbacks...

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I somehow believe everything that he told me. He just left and tomorrow I need to go to the Chinese restaurant to meet him and the guy whom he said was my brother. I'm not bothered because Sehun's with me.

"Do you believe him Shortcake?" Tao-oppa asked me. I nod as an answer.

"Waeyo (why)?" Luhan-oppa aksed.

"What he had said was related to my flashbacks." i told them.

"What do you mean Shortcake?" Chen-oppa asked me.

"I'm having flashbacks...."



"I'm having flashbacks...." We're all shocked on what we've heard. for almost a month that she's with us, this is the first time she told us that she's having flashbacks.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked her on a relax manner.

"I'm going to tell you about this after we arrived from noraebang but then this incident happened and we met Taemin. Everything he told us was somehow related to my flashbacks." she said. He let go of Sehun's hands that made Sehun widen his eyes.

"Can you tell us about these flashbacks, Princess?" Suho-hyung asked. She nod and started talking.

"The first time I had flashbacks was when I'm in the hospital. I can't identify the guys who are talking but they're talking about something that was dying. A tree maybe..."she paused. then..."They call it a tree of life...." she said while looking at us.

"Tree of life?.." DO-hyung asked her. "Is there a possibility that those guys in your memory were us?"

"I don't know. But knowing you guys and how important this tree of life to you, maybe those guys were you." she said.

"Continue Shortcake." Chen-hyung said.

"Okay, the next was when we're in the car. We were from the hospital. The time when I wake up shouting wait."

"Ah, yeah, I remember that time." Sehun said. he was holding her hands again.

"I had a was not a flashback. It was just a voice, telling me that I only have 90 days to be with you. and then its up to me if I'll live or die." He said. Now, we're all looking at her. Focusing on what she said about having 90 days to live with us makes me nervous.

"WHAT???" sehun said. It made him stand up. "90 days? whoever said that was totally crazy."

"Sehun, relax." I told him. gesturing him to sitdown.

"How many days had past?" Suho-hyung asked DO-hyung.

"ahm, hana (one), deul (two), set (three)...." DO-hyung continued on counting. "Almost 28 Suho-hyung." He said. 28? so that means, she only has 63 days left?

"wait, don't tell me you'll believe that?" Luhan-hyung asked.

"We can't just keep it aside Luhan-hyung." I told him.

"Let's just listen first to her story about those stupid flashbacks and decide what we'll do later." Kris-hyung Said.

"okay, the next time was after school, We'll be having dinner that time. I was thinking about all of you who'll end up dying because of me. Then a flashback came. I was in a forest. Fire, blood and dead people everywhere. I closed my eyes and when I opened it I saw a man and woman hugging me. They're dead. I was the only one alived." She said. She started to cry. "O-oppa, what was that all about??" she mumbled.

"Shhh... we don't know Princess. Stop crying please. We're not sure about anything yet." Sehun comforted her while rubbing her back. He hugged her.



"okay, the next time was after school, We'll be having dinner that time. I was thinking about all of you who'll end up dying because of me. Then a flashback came. I was in a forest. Fire, blood and dead people everywhere. I closed my eyes and when I opened it I saw a man and woman hugging me. They're dead. I was the only one alived." She said. She started to cry. "O-oppa, what was that all about??" she mumbled.

"Shhh... we don't know Princess. Stop crying please. We're not sure about anything yet." I'm glad Sehun is there to comfort her. I don't want to see her like that. Afraid of something we don't know. She's like a little sister to me. I can't even do anything. For these past days, she kept it all by herself. She doesn't want to tell us. I hate myself for doing nothing.

"Hey, don't cry. We're here for you." I told her. She faced me and smiled.

"Then the last was this morning, a voice told me to be happy and follow my heart. The voice even called me my princess." She said and looked at Sehun. he kissed her.

"Ewww.. Sehun, that's not what you're supposed to do now." Tao said. We all laughed and forget about the problem for a moment.

"Okay, so tomorrow, Sehun, Kai, DO and I will go to the restaurant with Shortcake." Kris-hyung said after a long moment of laugh.

"What?" Sehun said. He seemed surprize.

"It's for safety, Sehun. It's almost a month since Princess is with us. It's very unusual for council for not making a move. And now that you and Princess are officially dating, I'm sure they'll start to make a move now. If the two of you went to the restaurant, you'll be in danger. It's best if Kai, DO and Kris-hyung will be with you. They're one of the strongest here." Suho-hyung said.

"Luhan-hyung, Xiumin-hyung, Tao, and I will follow you from a distance to help you in case of emergency. We'll be your backup. The others will stay here in the dorm and will wait for a call from us."Chen said.

"That's a great plan." I said.

"So for now, go back to your own room and have enough sleep. We need our strengths tomorrow." Suho-hyung said.



I can't even think that after 90 days I'll loose the one I love. She was my first love. I don't care if we're not allowed to fall inlove with a human. I love her. and I'll protect her.

"Sehun?" She called me. She was lying in her bed and I was sitting beside her.


"Please stay..."

"I'll stay. I won't leave you. I promise." I told her. It was a promise. A promise that I will never break.

"Tomorrow night, there would be some changes on who I am. But I'll still be your Princess. I'll still be Shortcake. I will still love you Sehun." She said.

"I know. You'll our Shortcake forever. You'll be EXO's Princess forever. Sleep now. Tomorrow is a long day to face. We need our strenght to face anything. I love you Princess. Saranghae." I said and kissed her in the lips. It's a long kiss for me to assure her that I'll never leave her side.

"Nado saranghae." she said when our lips parted. then she fell asleep.

"I'll do everything for you Princess. Even if it means I need to give my life."

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