Chapter 13: Goodbye...

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We're now on our way to the restaurant. It's 6:12 in my watch. The meeting time was 8. From our dorm, it was a two-hour drive to get to the city. I'm with Sehun, Kai-oppa,Kris-oppa and DO-oppa.

"Hey, Princess. Put this on your hair. It suits you." Sehun told me. He's handing me a silver hairpin with crystals.

"Thankyou." I smiled at him. Than he kissed my forehead. Then I put the pin.

"It's beautiful. Looks good on you,."

"Thanks Kai-oppa." I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.

 DO-oppa was driving. Kris-oppa is on the passenger seat and I'm in between Sehun-oppa and Kai-oppa.

"DO-oppa, watch out!!!" I shouted as I saw a man standing in the middle of the road.

"Albert." I heard Kris-oppa speak. The car stopped and they went out of the car. "Sehun, Shortcake, stay here."

I was left with Sehun inside the car. 3 more guys came. There was a fight now. That albert guy is now heading to our direction but Kris stopped him with all his strenght. He can't stop him. I saw Kris flew meters away because of that Albert's punch. DO and Kai was knocked down. I gasp when I saw Albert kicked the both of them.

"Stay here." Sehun told me. But I hold his hands.

"No, don't go there, Sehun please." I beg him. I was now crying.

"Shhh. I need to help them." he said. He kissed me in my lips and went out. I saw him punched the other guys. Now he was facing Albert. It was an intense fight. I tried to think of what I can do. Then I saw Sehun's phone. I get it and tried to call Suho-oppa.


"Hello? Sehun, Xiumin-hyung called us. They can't follow you now because their injured. They told me that Albert did it to them. Lay and Chanyeol are on their way to help them. Are you guys okay?"

"S-Suho-oppa..." I said while crying...

"Princess? Are you crying? What's happenning there?"

"S-Suho-oppa, w-we need your help. p-please oppa..." I said while crying. "Sehun..Kris..DO..and-"

"Princess? Where are you?? Hello?? Princess?? Princess??"

That's all I can hear. I was dragged out from the car by Albert.

"So, you're the human?? " He said.

"L-Let h-her go!" Sehun said. I saw him trying to stand up but he can't because he was really weak now to do that. There were blood everywhere. I cried.

"S-sehun..." I said and now he was unconscious. Not just him. Do, Kris and Kai are unconscious too. "please don't kill them." I beg to Albert."

"Don't kill them? because of you they'll die." I heard him said that and now I felt pain in my back and stomach. He punched me and sends me flying over the car. I can't stand. It's too painful. I started to cough and blood was flowing on my face. I felt dizzy.

"P-please Let them l-leave. J-just kill me. Not them. I'm b-begging you." I cried and tried to stand up.

"I won't kill them. And I won't kill you. But you need to leave and forget everything." Leave them? for real?

"I promise to leave them alone. Just please, don't kill them." he smirked. "AHHHHhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!" he stepped on my leg and broke it. It hurts..

"Promise." Then In a blink of an eye, they're gone. I looked at Sehun who was lying down beside me. I tired to reach his hands but I cant.. then.....

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