Chapter 18: Killing Albert....

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Where am I?? What is this place?

I woke up in a dark room that have a single light coming from the window. I tried to reach the window and look outside. Seems like I'm in an underground room.

"Awoooo!!!!" A wolf's growl?? Who is it??

I can here some noises above the surface.

"They're all so stupid to come here even though they know that they have no chance of winning against Albert." I heard a guy talk outside the door. I went near it and lean on to listen to what they were talking.

"EXO wolves are all stupid. It's near midnight. They've been fighting him for hours. " EXO??? Suho-oppa and the others are here?? No. They shouldn't have come here. They'll die.

I need to do something. Namu...Please help me... I know you're somewhere inside me. I know you want to help them.

"Princess." I heard a voice. A voice same as mine.

"Namu?" I said.

"Yah!! Who are you talking to??" A guy peek from the small window at the door.

"Huh? A-ahm...N-Nothing. I-I'm just talking to myself." He smirked and closed the window.

"yes. It's me, Princess. It's now time for you to help them. USe my powers to help them."

"P-Powers? What powers? Namu, How?"

"My powers within you is back. The moon's color now is red like blood."

"Bloody moon?"

"yes, my dear, Go on. You can use my power to help them. You can use all the EXO wolves' power. Water, earth, fire, wind, lighting, flight, time control, healing, telekinesis, teleportation, frost and light. Use it. You don't have to kill Albert by your own hands. A special power was given to you. It's mind controlling. Protect my precious wolves, Princess."

"Thank you Namu for hearing me. I promise, I'll protect our precious wolves."

I ran near the door and kicked it. Wow, I'm so powerful. The door flew over the guys' head and it fell hundred of meters away. Earth power? DO's power?

"how did you...?" A guy said. They attacked me but they're no match. I made them float using Luhan's power or the telekinesis power.

"What's happening?" They all shouted. Then I released them making them fall on the floor. I didn't kill them. At least I won't kill them. I have only one person to kill. And that's Albert.

I don't have much time. I thought and use teleportation power to find them. I arrive at different places. I think I'm inside an old factory.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I heard a shout.. Suho?? It's Suho. I focused from where the voice came from and teleport myself. I arrive at the room where Albert and EXO are fighting.

"Well, that was the last one. I'm so sad that she didn't came to save you but be happy because you don't have to wait that long for your death." I saw Albert talking to unconscious Suho. I look everywhere and saw all of them lying on the floor. There were blood everywhere. They're all unconsious except Sehun.

"Sehun." I said and went near him.

"P-Princess...a-are you a-alright?" He said. He's too weak to talk.

"Shhh.. don't worry about me. I'm fine." I told him. I hugged him tightly and kissed him in his forehead.

"Oh, look whose here. It's bloody moon already. Your powers are back, I guess??"

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