Chapter 17: Looking for EXO's Princess

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We're in the middle of EXOforest now, still looking for Princess. She was lost since yesterday-afternoon.


"Luhan-hyung, do you think after we kill Albert, everything will be fine?" Sehun asked me. We're sitting on the rooftop now with the other members. Watching the sunset. Hours had past after Shortcake came. We can't talk to Sehun after Shortcake leave her. He continued on mumbling that we don't care about his feelings. That we're so selfish for not letting him saw her. He was laying his head onto my shoulder. We can hear his words clearly but when he move, we're shocked because he was sleeping. He almost fell but thankfully Xiumin and I catch him. That's when the doorbell rang.

"Yah, Sehun-ah, wake up....Sehun..." I woke him up while patting his face.

"Hmm... Princess..." he said. We all looked at him. Tears are forming on his eyes.

"Sehun... wake up.." DO came and tried to wake him. He opened his eyes and yawn. He stumbled while trying to stand up but he manage to stand on his feet.

"Let's go. Someone rang the doorbell. Sehun kenchana (are you okay)?" Kris asked him. It's unusual of him, his tone is soft like he really is worried to Sehun. Sehun nodded and put his arms on my shoulder. He's still quiet.

"I miss her, hyung." He said then removed his arms onto mine. He was walking ahead. Although I am the only one who understand what he said, all of them know that he said something.

The doorbell continues to ring so I decided to open the door because my dongsaengs are still behind me.

"Taemin?" I saw Taemin when I open the door. He looks worried. "Come in." I told him.

"No thanks. I just came here to ask if Jhin is here?" He asked me.

"No, Shortcake's not here. She went here at maybe 3pm but she's gone now. Why? Something wrong?" Suho answered his question and asked him at the same time while Xiumin hold and the others stop behind me. Sehun walk himself near me.

"She's lost. Minho and I tried to call her for so many times but she's not answering her phone. She said she wants some time for herself and Minho knows that she'll come here. I came here hoping that she's still here but she's not. I have to go. I need to find her." He said then drove his car away. Wait...Shortcake is missing?

"She's missing??? " All my dongsaeng's reaction was different. They were worried. When I look on them, all their eyes are bloody red. They're angry.

"Where could she be?" Chen said while looking at the floor. All of them are thinking on where she might be.

"Sehun, do you have-" I just notice that he was gone. "Sehun?" I went out the house and saw him running into the...EXOforest?

"Let's follow him. He can't be alone. He won't listen to anyone of us. He's angry. I can feel the changes in the wind. Be careful guys." Xiumin said. We all went out to follow him.

"Let's get devided into groups. Just growl whenever you need help or found something."


We're devided into three groups. I'm with Xiumin, Chen and Kris. Suho just texted me that he found Sehun and that he was calm now. HE's with Tao and lay. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and Do are together as another group. We're still looking for Shortcake. It was now morning. Maybe ten in the morning. My group stop under the tree to rest when....

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