Chapter 9: Yes....

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"Be happy. Follow your heart, my princess." who was that???

"Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Someone is shouting when shaking me. "Ireona!!!!" I opened my eyes and saw Sehun. "Comeon. Get ready. We're going to the arcade. ppali ppali!!" he said.

"Okay, okay." I told him and stand up. He smiled and went out the window.. yes.. in the window.... when I looked at the window, I saw the others laughing. They waved their hand when they saw me.

Arcade?? yeah right. It's Saturday. I went to the calendar and saw that it was my 27th day of being with them. I didn't tell them anything about the flashbacks. I told them that my head hurts but not about the flashbacks.

I went to the bathroom to shower. After that, I wear my blue skinny, my favorite white sleeveless blouse with a printed picture of a wolf infront. I tuck it in then put a sleeveless cardigan on top. I wear my sneakers and went out of my room.

We're in the car now. We decided to ride on one car. Well, as usual it was very noisy.

"Xiumin-hyung, Princess and I need to stop at the restaurant." Sehun said.

"I know. You've reminded me that for almost 33 times. So don't worry, I won't forget that." He said, still focus on the road.

"Why?" I asked him. "I thought we're going to the arcade?"

"Yes we are. But the two of us need to stop at the restaurant. The reason is secret so don't bother asking." he said then smiled.

We've arrived at the restaurant. Its just the two of us because the others said that they'll just wait for us at the arcade.

"Where are we going?" I asked him because we didn't enter the restaurant.

"Wait here." he said. Then he's...gone.. Where did he go?? I looked everywhere but I can't see him.

"Excuse me..This is for you." A kid gave me a blue rose and a note. The note says:

"Walk 28 steps to the right. :)"

I followed it and ended in front of an Ice cream store.

"Hey beautiful, here.. Enjoy." The Ice cream vendor gave me an ice cream and a letter then went inside the store again. What was happening?? Really??

"It's vanilla ice cream. That's your favorite right?? Enjoy.. :)

Now turn right and walk 34 times. Jal ggayo (take care)!!."

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four. What now? I end up infront of a jewerly store.

"Excuse me miss. Someone wants me to give this to you." A lady said. She smiled and walk away. She gave me a box.

"A letter in a box. How sweet." i said with sarcasm.

"Good girl. :) Now Take 25 steps."

Okay, It's making me crazy. I ended up in the Gwanghamon Square.

"unnie, This is for you." A little girl gave me 3 red balloons. Each has letters.

"I...LOVE...YOU. huh? I love you?" that was the words written in each balloons. Then I read the letter.

"Turn left."

I turn left and saw four people holding...a signboard?? They raised it and...

"CAN...YOU...BE...MY..." That was what is written. Can you be my what??? Then I saw Sehun. He stopped near the person who is holding the MY-signboard. He was holding a signboard too. He raised it.

"GIRLFRIEND?" can you be my girlfriend?? wait... can you be my girlfriend?.... I think my mind is weird. I didn't notice that Sehun walk in front of me.

"So? CAN YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" he asked me. Now my mind is starting to process. Ahh.. wait... can you be my girlfriend.... "Hey? Are you okay??"

"Yes. Yes." I said.


"YES!!! I can be your girlfriend." I shouted.

"Jinjja!!!???" I nodded. He hugged me. Then he kissed me. "Thank you." He went to my back. And to my surprise, he gave me a necklace. It was heartshape with small diamond in the middle.

"Wow. It's beautiful, Sehunnie. Kamsahamnida (thank you).."

"I'm glad you like it. Saranghaeyo Princess." He said then he smiled at me.

"Nado saranghaeyo Sehunnie. (I love you too, Sehunnie.)" I told him. He smiled like there's no tomorrow. He entangled his hands with mine. I feel like he won't let go of me. Well, he better not. I'll punched him if he do that..

Now we're walking. I saw girls glance at Sehun and say that he was so handsome. hahaha. I'm so sorry girls. But he's mine. I don't care If I don't remember my past. Being with him and the EXO is enough for me.

We can't be with humans. I remembered what they told me few weeks ago. Just then, I let go of Sehun's that was entangled with mine.

"Hey, kenchana? Why are you sad?" he asked me.

"You can't be with humans, Sehun." I told him. Now I was crying.

"Hey.. uljimayo (don't cry)..." he said.

"Why did you do this? Why did you asked me to be your girlfriend. You have your law right? You can't be with a human like me." I said. he hugged me. that's when i started crying nonstop.

"I don't care about that. I'm going to protect you no matter what. Me, and the other EXO members will protect you. Stop crying now please Jagiya..." he said.

"You'll die because of me. If the wolf-council know about this, They'll come here to kill me. If you fight back, you'll die" I told him while crying.

"I won't die. We won't die. I promise Princess. That won't happen." He hugged assuring that he'll live for me. that's when I stop crying.

"Promise me, no matter what happen, you'll live." I told him.

"I promised." he said. "Hey, come on, Hyungs are waiting for us at the arcade."

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