Chapter 4: We're Wolves

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Suho-hyung, Luhan-hyung and Sehun are hiding something from us.

"Can we just leave that school thing behind and tell me what you've promise to tell me Suho-oppa.?" Princess asked Suho-hyung. She's scared??? No. Not at all. Why??

"Ah. about that. We are not humans." Suho-hyung started. He didn't even looked at us before talking. He seem comfortable on telling the truth to this human.

"You're not human?? What do you mean?" She's curious. But why do I have this feelings that we can trust her. That i've known this girl for such a long time. I want her to gain her memories back so that we can settle things out.

"No, we're not." I answered her. "We're wolves. You know, those creature that are dangerous, with claws, with bloody red eyes and anything that you can read on a non-fiction books except the fact that we never hurt humans before." I continued. I saw Suho-hyung smiled at me. "Ouch. What was that for Kris-hyung?" Kris-hyung punched me in my shoulder. Even though Hyung is one of our weakest member, his punched still hurts me.

"YOU TOLD HER EVERYTHING!!!" he yeld at me.

"Kris, It's fine." Suho-hyung said. Kris-hyung ignored what suho-hyung said and went upstairs.

"He's mad." Princess said. Her voice were sad. She's about to cry.

"Hey. Uljumayo (don't cry). He's not mad. I'll talk to him later. So don't think about him being mad okay??" Luhan-hyung comforted her.

"Uhm, Shotcake, do you want us to continue the story of us or you want to take a rest?" I asked her.

"Uhm... Let's just continue your story oppa." She smiled with tears in her eyes. She's cute. hahaha.

"Okay." Suho-hyung said and continued telling the story.

"Our parents died because of humans. When they found out about us, they killed them. They didn't even hesitate. After what our parents did to help them, they still killed them. All of our parents died and nothing was left for us. My parents did everything to hide us and not get killed. We witness it. How humans killed our parents. We can do nothing but cry. Chanyeol got angry and set fire on the humans' village. It all turns into ash including our parents dead body. I asked Kai if he can use his power to teleport us. He used it and we ended up in the middle of EXOforest, near the tree of life. We hated the humans since then." Suho hyung continued his story. he looks like the story teller in some dramas. The one who was old. hahaha.

"Including me?" She asked.

"Uhm.. Well.."

"It's okay Suho-oppa. It's okay for you to hate me. But I want you to believe that not all humans are the same as those who killed your parents." She said. It reminds me of what the tree of life had told us.


"Hey kids, stop crying. we can't do anything about what happened." the tree of life told us.

"What should we do Namu (tree)?" Sehun asked while crying. he was just 12 back then. I was 16.

"Live. Suho, I assign you as the leader. You has the potential to become one. Is there any objections?" None of us had any objecctions. Suho-hyung is a great leader. Even Kris-hyung obey anything he says.

"I hate humans." Suho hyung said.

"Suho,I want you to believe that not all humans are the same as those who killed your parents." Namu told us.


"Okay, enough with the serious matter. Let's just play or talk about something not stressful?" Chanyeol said and smiled widely. Well, everyone smiled after what he said. He really is our Happy Virus.

Now we're talking about nonsense when I notice that our Princess was sleeping.

"Hey, She's sleeping." Baekhyun said. He noticed her too. "Lets take her to the room upstairs."

"I'll do it hyung." Sehun said. He carried the girl in bridal style. Luhan and I followed him. When we reach the empty room, Luhan-hyung opened the door and Sehun put her down the bed carefully.

"She's so peaceful when sleeping." Luhan-hyung said.

"Yeah." I agreed to him. "It's a familiar feeling that I feel whenever I'm near our tree of life.

"You'll find out about it later, Lay." Luhan-hyung said. Find out about what??

"Let's go downstairs. Suho-hyung has something to tell us." Sehun said.

When we reach downstairs, Suho-hyung is talking to the other members. Even Kris-hyung is there already. They all seem serious.

"What do you mean that we need to take care of her?? We don't even know her!" Kris was arguing with Suho-hyung.

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