Chapter 19: The end??

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"Not that one!!" Tao said. Sehun was choosing the last movie that we're going to watch for tonight. Its past twelve and this if the seventh movie that we're gonna watch.

"I am asssign to pick the movie that I want to watch. Why are you arguing with me??" He said.

"I hate that movie."

"You're just afraid of ghost Tao-ah." Kai told him.

"Choose another movie Sehun-ah." Suho said.


"Luhan-hyung," Chen called me. It wasn't that loud because he was just whispering. I look at him. He's smiling. There's something he's up to. This troll. He whispered to me that I need to agree to the movie that Sehun suggested. He also whispered to Xiumin, Lay, Kris, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"That's a great movie Sehun-ah. Let's watch that." He said.

"Give the CD to me Sehun." Chanyeol said. These guys.

"No. NOt that one." TAo and Suho said in chorus. But Chanyeol continued in putting the CD.

I just shook my head while watching. Because Suho and Tao keep whining and shouting the whole time. Kris was holding Tao so he can't go anywhere. DO and Chen was holding Suho. The ten of us were laughing while watching even though the movie wasn't funny. Insidious. That was the movie's title. It was about a boy who was possessed by a demon.

"Let's sleep." I told them. All of us were standing except to Tao and Suho who are sitting on the floor, teary eyes.

"You don't want to see the demon in the tv here, do you?" Kris said.

The two of them stood up and run into their rooms, Kris followed Tao on their room. We're all laughing on our way to our room. Sehun followed Suho in their room. DO and Kai shared a room. Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Xiumin and Chen. And I was with Lay.

I passed by Shortcake's room. It was between Lay and my room and Sehun and Suho's room. I enter and sit on her bed.

"You're not dead, am I right Shortcake?? You'll come back to us right? You won't let Sehun suffer again right?? You're EXO's Princess. You need to comeback Shortcake. Please." I said before leaving the room.....

"Is he still sleeping?" Suho asked while he's arranging the drinks.

"Ne." Kai answered as he popped out with the Table, plates and glasses on his left side. Confused? Well, we got our powers back. I'm busy arranging the tent using my telekinesis. Today is Sehun's birthday. We're planning to have a camp here in the middle of EXOforest. At Namu's place. The tree of life is back but we can't talk to her like before. I mean, it doesn't respond to us when we where talking to it.

"I'm done with the four tents." I told them.

"We're done collecting the things we need for the campfire later." Tao and Kris said.

"We're done with the foods too." DO came with Lay and Chanyeol.

"We bought bubble teas for later." Baekhyun and Chen said.

"Hope there's no prank in it. It's his birthday." Xiumin said holding a big box in his hands. "Cake's here." He said as he put the box on the table.

"Okay we're done here." Suho said.

"It's eleven-thirty o'clock. Just the time for lunch. Kai let's go and wake up the birthday boy." I said. We teleported to the house because it's too far if we will run or Kris will fly.

"SEHUN-AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kai shouted when we entered his room. HE just move and covered his face with the blankets.

"Come on Sehun. Wake up." I told him pulling the blankets away.

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