Chapter 11: Jhin

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"Yah! Kris-hyung, can you smell that??" I smelled a wolf scent nearby. It was a different one. And I don't know whose scent it is.

"Yeah, I did smelled that. Who's scent was it? It's not familiar." He told me. We were following Princess. I saw her fell on the floor. The scent became stronger as I past the crowd and went to help Princess.

"Oh.. I'm sorry Ms..... Jhin??" Jhin?? Who is this guy? The scent fades. That's weird. The others came running. I help Princess to stand up.

"My name's not Jhin." Princess told the guy who bumped her.

"What? You are Jhin." The guy said and hugged her.

"Hey, What are you doing??" Princess said while trying to break the hug.

"Hey get away from her." I said. pushing the guy away. Sehun came and punched the guy. He's angry but thankfully, his eyes were not bloody red.

"Why are you hugging my girlfriend??" Sehun said attempting to punch the guy again but Suho-hyung and Tao stopped him.

"Girlfriend? What are you talking about? She's my FIANCEE. She's lost for almost a month. Jhin, we've been looking for you. Thank God I've found you now." fiancee?? What is he talking about?

"FIANCEE?" all of us were shocked.

"You know me?" Princess asked him.

"Yes, It's me, Taemin. Don't you remember me? I'm your fiancee. We're about to get married last week but we can't find you." He said. I looked at Princess' reaction. She was shocked. But not just her. All of us are surprised for what this Taemin guy is saying. Luhan-hyung was holding Sehun because we all know that anytime he'll loose himself and he might kill this guy.

"Can we go some place and talk about this?? We're making a scene here. I don't want to get into troubled here." Suho-hyung said. We all agreed and started walking through the crowd. I saw Princess make her way to get to Sehun. She holds his hand and his anger fades away. We went to our car. Well, luckily, this taemin guy has his own car because if he doesn't have, we'll be in trouble. We told him to follow in our dorm. That's the safest place for us. None of us were talking in the car. Princess is silently looking at the window.

We've arrived at the house. Everyone went to their room. I heard a bang from upstairs. Probably it was Sehun. He's angry. The others was about to follow him because of the continued noise he was making when....

"Oppa, jebal (please) I'll go after him. Can all of you stay here?" Princess asked.

"Okay. Be careful Shortcake. No one can handle him if he's that angry." Xiumin-hyung told her. He's right, Sehun is very dangerous when he's angry. None of us can stop him, even Luhan-hyung and Namu can't stop him.



"Okay." she said and went upstairs to follow Sehun. I know she'll be fine. Sehun can't hurt her.

"So, who are you again?" Suho asked the guy sitting on the sofa.

"My name's Lee Taemin. Her fiancee." He said while smiling.

"Fiancee? Princess' fiancee?" Chen asked him with a smirked. "That's impossible."

"Why?" He said. None of us respond to his question. He continued on telling us.... the truth?? Is it really the truth on who she really is??? "Her name's not Princess, or Shortcake or anything. She's Choi Mae Jhin. My best friend's younger sister. My FIANCEE." He said, putting an emphasis on the word fiancee.

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