Chapter 2 -New feelings

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They leaned even closer, their lips brushed together when Lestrade came through the door to the room with the crime scene. ''Oh! Uh, bad moment?'' He said. The two men let go of each other and John could feel his face getting hot and a huge blush creeping up. Sherlock didn't appear to care at all, but he felt so embarrassed inside and tried not to let is show. Unfortunaletly he also felt his face getting hotter by the seconds, this was new to Sherlock, it was new to him that he couldn't control his feelings. He grabbed John's hand ''W-we're leaving now, I'll email you what I got afterwards, s-sorry we have to go!'' Then he dragged John through all of the people there and out the door. Sherlock hailed a cab, and as they rode home John thought; What in the bloody hell was that?

*flashback over* [The flashback streched over to this chapter LOL!]

Now, John rushed into his room for a change.

- Evening -

John could hear Sherlock playing a romantic and beautiful tune downstairs. He slowly and quietly walked downstairs, the livingroom had a romantic mood to it, the lighting was dim and outside it was dark, and Sherlocks beautiful music just made it better. He walked into the livingroom, this time Sherlock did notice him right away and smiled, John smiled back as Sherlock continued to play his beautiful music. ''How can you play so well?'' John asked, ''I practised obviously.'' He smiled, and John smiled back. John took a deep breath, ''Uhh, do you have any idea what happened back at the crime scene?'' Sherlock shrugged,''Well obviously we sloved the case.'', John made a look on him, a look that said 'Don't ignore the obvious',''What? What was so special about it?'' Sherlock asked giving a confused look. He had to be ignoring that 'almost kiss' on purpose,''So everytime we go and work on a case we almost kiss?'' Sherlock stopped playing for a moment, he rolled his eyes,''It was nothing...'' ''You had your hands on my hips for god's sake!'' John snapped. ''Well so did you!'' Sherlock stated,''It was just... in the heat of the moment..'', Sherlock continued to play his violin as John just stared at him with his eyebrows raised but mouth closed. John sighed, ''Yeah I'm gonna go to bed, good night Sherlock'', ''Good night, John'' John could hear the smirk on his face.

- Next morning -

Sherlock's POV:

I woke up at ten in the morning. Thinking about yesterday, I actually did think that yesterday was different. I kept thinking about what almost happened at the crime scene and couldn't get it out of my head. I also couldn't get John out of my head, it had been bothering me for weeks now. He was constantly in my head, when I woke up, went to sleep, worked on cases, ect. I don't understand why. I've also had this strange feeling in the bottom of my stomach always when I'm around John. What could it mean? I am an expert in these kind of things, yet I still don't understand, maybe it some new level of sentiment that I can't yet understand, but I am still feeling it, that's weird. Suddenly I heard John's voice from down the hall,''The tea and breakfast are ready if you'd like some!'', I got up and walked in the kitchen. I didn't relize I had no shirt on until John stared at me again, it was kind of nice to have that kind of attention from him, I was flattered to see that he admired my body, I actually could feel my face getting hot again, damn it. ''Uh, I'll just put a shirt on real quick'' I said walking back to my room, I came back in the kitchen in seconds. John had put me breakfast ready on my seat and a cup of tea, I liked John's caring side, it was nice to have someone who would do such things like cook for me, and *ahem* sometimes clean up my *ahem* messes I made while experimenting. Sometimes he would act like a parent to me, sometimes that's annoying and other times it's kinda nice.

''Sherlock?'', this woke me up from my thoughts,''Yes John?'',''You've been staring at me for uhh, pretty long...'',''Oh sorry, I uhm, was thinking'',''Oh, about what?'',''You'', John froze. Oh no, I did something bad, or weird, weird for John I mean, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no,''Me?'',''Yes, isn't it normal?'',''Well it depends on what you were thinking about me.'',''Normal stuff, how you almost everytime make me food and tea, and how you care for me.'',''What? You want me to stop that?'',''No I didn't complain. I actually think it's nice that you care for me.'', I looked at John and smiled, he was turning red again, how cute... wait... CUTE? Did I just call him cute? Oh thank god I didn't do it outloud, he would just think it's weird.

John's POV:

Nice? Wait.... he likes it? Oh my god, I'm blushing again! AGAIN! WHY?? Oh no he saw, he's smiling, smiling, bloody smiling. Why is he smiling? Watson you are turning red as a bloody tomato [literally xD], get a hold of yourself Watson! I lowered my head, looking down at my feet, and sighed. Then I turned to look him in the eyes again, goddamn it why does he have to have such beautiful eyes? He was still smiling, damn it, his whole face is beautiful, and those cheeckbones... how? Just how can someone be so gorgeous? Wait...... I've just been complimenting him alot in my head, damn it! I just can't get him out of my head. Wait.... could this mean what I think it means? Do I like him as more than a friend? Oh my god, well this is new, I'm not fully sure though yet, I mean, I can think that someone is attractive and not exactly 'LOVE' them, in the usual sense of the word, right? Right?

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