Chapter 4 -Jealousy

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John was extemely confused by what has happened during the past few days. He started to question his sexuality again, like he'd lived his mentalpuperty all over again.

John's POV:

No, I'm straight! I am! But then again, I willingly kissed Sherlock yesterday... what if? NO, no no no no, most certanly not! I couldn't be gay, I've had girlfriends, lots, but, I have kissed Sherlock... I hate admitting it to myself. Maybe I'm somewhere in between straight and gay.. bisexual, that's the word. I am most likely bi. Still not sure though... those relationships with girls never worked for too long. Then I heard Sherlock play his violin again, goddamn it, why does he have to be so good at it, it makes him more attractive. Wait.... I just called him attractive.. god, what's wrong with me?

Third person POV:

John walked downstairs. ''Uh, hey I'm going out for a bit.'' John explained as he put his coat on. ''Ok'' Sherlock quickly replied. John headed to a pub nearby, to take his mind off of stuff. Sherlock watched as John walked away outside. John didn't return to the flat that night. It made Sherlock.. sad, dissappointed, lonely too.

Sherlock's POV:

He must've gone to some girl's place. Ugh, why does he even do that? Am I not good enough company? I am his friend afterall, he doesn't even know the girls he goes out with, let along they know him. I know all about him, I know his favourite foods, TV-shows, teas, music.. everything. I was the one who wowed him right from the start, yet, he goes out with all those, ugh, normal girls. I hate it so much, he's my friend, those stupid girls should stay away from him! Stay away from John, MY JOHN!..... wait.... my... John?

I froze, stopped playing for a moment. 'My John'? I just called him that. This is new, what is this feeling? I don't like it, it bothers me. It bothers me alot, am I... jealous? No it can't be, why would I be jealous? I have no reason to.

Third person POV:

Or did he have a reason? A reason he doesn't know yet? Sherlock himself started to question his own sexuality, though he thought it didn't matter, he didn't care, but now, he does.

John's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, it took me a while to understand that I was on Sarah's couch again. Always the couch, though, I didn't even have an interest to sleep in her bed, other than it being more comfortable of course. I was thinking about Sherlock again. Ughhhh, I was so tired of that, but then again, I would love to experience his soft lips on mine again, it was so amazing. I shook my head, trying to get the thought out of my mind. I ate breakfast with Sarah and then started walking back to the flat. I saw Sherly playing his-.... hold up, I just called him 'Sherly', what the fuck? When did I make that nickname up? Ugh whatever..''Hi Sherlock'', no answer, ''Ok whatever'' I said. I put my coat next to Sherlock's on the coat hanger and walked inside the flat, past Sherlock to the kitchen to make some tea. Then I took my laptop and began to update my blog.

I wrote about the small case of 'Bloody marriage' as I put it. The couple about to get married had been murdered on their weddingnight, apparetnly the bride's ex-husband had one it, because he wanted to get back at her and her new husband. Sherlock was lost in his thoughts, it was a good time to glance at him, his eyes shined in the sunlight as he looked outside the window, his appearance perfect as always.

Sherlock's POV:

I knew John was staring at me again, heh, he thinks I wont notice. I smirked, and turned to John, who's face turned red as I caught him looking, he turned to look at his laptop. Hmh, he's so cute when he's blushing. Yes, I did think he's cute, I admit it, but I couldn't tell John, it would make everything weird again. I laughed at myself in my head, make everything weird? We've kissed already once, I think it was just in the heat of the moment though, not saying I didn't like it, he most likely wont be doing that again.

''I'm going out'' I said, ''Ok, where? I'm curious.'',''For a walk.'' I said while putting the violin down. ''Are you going with someone?'',''I don't know, why do you ask?'',''Uh, no reason, just.. curious'',''I belive I'm going alone, maybe stop by the morgue.'', I put my coat and scarf on and headed out. I really just wanted to test if John would react the same way I did.

John's POV:

''I belive I'm going alone, maybe stop by the morgue.'' He said. He was going out again? He has been doing that for a week or two, randomly going out for a walk, or whatever he really is doing. I wondered, if he had a secret relationship, but with who? He hates people, he wouldn't just go out with people he barely knows, though, he's Sherlock Holmes he'd tell their whole live's story just by one look. I smiled, as I thought of the say we met, how he knew everything about me, it really was amazing, and still is. I desited to ask him out, kind of... sort of.... actually I don't know, just.. ask him if he'd like to go to a restaurant with me for dinner.

- Wanna go to Angelo's for dinner? -JW [A/N So sorry if I got the restaurant's name wrong D: don't kill me!]

-Sure, what time? -SH

-5:00 pm. -JW

-Alright, see you then. :D -SH

- At the.. uh.. ''date'' -

John was sitting next to the window, at the spot where they were sitting during The Study in Pink.[A/N Or was it A Study in Pink? I can't remember D: DON'T KILL MEEEE]The restaurant was pretty empty, aside fom John there were probably about four or five other people, not counting the staff of course. John liked it, it was so quiet and calm. Soon he heard a familiar deep voice say; ''Good evening John.'' Sherlock smiled,''Good evening Sherlock'', John said with a smile. Sherlock sat down across from him at the table. John relized he was staring again, 'stop stop stop stop!', he thought to himself, but he just couldn't turn his gaze away from Sherlock's beautiful ice-blue eyes. Then a waitress came to their table and ruined the moment,''Have you gentlemen already desited what you would like to eat?'', said the young waitress. ''We will still think for a moment, thanks.'', John replied, the waitress nodded and smiled and then walked away. John couldn't take his mind off the fact how much attention the waitress had given to Sherlock.

- The waitress came back -

''Have you two desited yet?'',''Yeah, I'll take the spaghetti and meatballs, please.'' John said,''I'll just have a salad, please.'',''Any drinks?'' the waitress asked,''Water will do thanks.'', John answered. The waitress took everything down, smiled and walked away. John felt like he was being watched, and he was, by Sherlock. John turned to look at him, examining his whole face,''What is it?'', John asked...

''You're just beautiful.'' 

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