The Second Tour

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One year had passed and the 5 boys were ready to go back on tour. They were used to everything as in they were used to the fans screaming upon their arrival and they were used to making fans smile all the time.  They started the tour in New York and they were going to end the second tour in Manchester. Harry and Louis were super excited. 

"We get to see the wowld again LiLi!" Louis said with excitement. Harry nodded cause he was too excited about going on tour and seeing the millions of fans. 

"Calm down boys." Liam said. Then, Liam whispered to Zayn and Niall. "In the limo give them a bottle of milk and put in youtube kids for them so they can calm down." Liam whispered. Zayn and Niall nodded their heads cause they understood Liam's orders. Zayn would take care of Harry and Niall would take care of Louis with trying to get them to calm down. Once they got into the limo to head to the airport Zayn placed Harry in his car seat and he gave him a bottle and grabbed his phone and put on Youtube kids for him. Niall had to chase Louis and then grab him so then he could place Louis in his car seat which was frustrating for Niall since Louis was a handful. Niall gave Louis his bottle and he grabbed his phone and put on Youtube kids for him. Both Harry and Louis calmed down and after 20 minutes both boys were asleep. Niall and Zayn were smiling since they didn't have to deal with all the yelling. Once they got to the airport Liam carried Louis and Zayn had to carry Harry which was fine by him. Niall was smiling since he didn't have to carry that much stuff which meant that he had enough time to get a snack. Once they sat down in the chairs Simon came over to them.

"What are you doing here Smon?" Niall  asked opening his snack. The boys were confused.

"I was trying to find you cause your not going on that plane. Follow me boys." Simon said. So, the boys went over to where Simon was and they were still confused.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked. Simon sighed and a facepalm. 

"Since you guys are celebrities now, you ride a private plane. Hop on." Simon said. All 5 boys go on the plane. "I have to car seats for Louis and Harry." Simon said. So, they strapped the sleeping Louis and the sleeping Harry into their car seats while the rest of them sat in regular seats. Then, they took off going to New York. Once they landed they headed straight to a hotel cause they wanted to get settled and that Louis and Harry were still sleeping.

"Wow. That's the longest that they have ever been asleep. I'm impressed." Niall said. Liam placed Louis on one side of the bed and Zayn placed Harry on the other side of the bed.

"Someone has to stay here in case they wake up while the other two get to have fun." Liam said.

"One. Two. Three. NOT IT!" Niall and Zayn said first making Liam the last one to say it.

"Damn it." Liam said quietly. Zayn and Niall chuckled. 

"Now you have to take care of those two while we party." Niall said. 

"So, See ya." Zayn said. And then Niall and Zayn left. After about a few hours Harry and Louis woke up.

"LiLi?" Harry said still waking up.

"I'm here buddy." Liam said. After about a few solid hours Niall and Zayn came back. When they came back Louis and Harry were watching TV.

"NiNi! ZiZi!" Louis and Harry yelled with excitement. Louis and Harry gave Niall and Zayn hugs and then by the time it was 10:00 pm everyone went to bed. After about a few weeks traveling the U.S. they were going to Brazil which had cool weather and really cool sights. And then after that they went back to Europe where they went to Italy, Romania, Australia, and  Russia. Then, they went back to Asia which meant Tokyo and the Philippines and China. 

"I'm having so much fun!" Harry said.

"Yeah, Me too." Louis said. Liam smiled.

"I'm glad that you guys are having so much fun ,but we're gonna have to go back home soon which means that it would be the end of the tour till next year." Liam said. Harry and Louis felt heartbroken.

"We don't wanna go though." Harry and Louis said tearing up. Liam felt a bit sad too. But he had an idea though.

"Hey, what if we go around the world, but just for the holidays." Liam said smiling. When Harry and Louis understood what Liam was saying they were jumping in the air and they were happy with that decision.

"Otay!" Both boys said. Liam had a smile on his face again. It was the final show which was in Manchester, England and everyone was pumped. The show started and it was beautiful and everyone loved it cause it had fireworks and the songs were amazing. The fans were screaming and crying,but in a cool way and the fans were taking pictures and videos and they were having the time of their lives. The boys were smiling since the fans were having such a great time. And of course there was stage antics too like Liam and Louis having a water fight with water bottles and Zayn pulling Harry's pants down during "What Makes You Beautiful" and Niall with his guitar and his impressions and Harry who get the crowd pumped by trying to tell jokes or just imitating someone or just being dorky and funny. At the end of the show the 5 boys were all tired.

"You guys ready to go back home?" Liam asked in a tired voice. 

"Yeah." the 4 other boys said in a groggy voice since they were tired too. Once the limo got to the house Liam, Niall, and Zayn got Harry and Louis and they went inside. The 3 boys said bye to their driver and then the limo left. Liam was carrying both Louis and Harry this time which he didn't mind cause he was tired and the rest of the group was tired. Once Anne opened the door Liam gave Harry to Zayn and Louis to Niall which they put the two boys to bed and then Niall and Zayn went to their own rooms and they fell asleep. Liam told his mom all about the tour.

"It was amazing mum." Liam said. Those were his final words before he went to his room to sleep. After Liam went to bed Anne went to her room and went to bed too.   While he was sleeping Liam thought about how the day was going to  go tomorrow and forever which made him have a bad experience. This changed his life.


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