2 Men and 4 Littles

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It was May and Harry and Louis were finally going to see Brendon and Josh again. They were very excited. They would play tons of games and they would have a great time. Once Tyler's car pulled up Liam called Harry and Louis and they went downstairs to open the door. Once the door was open Tyler, Josh, and Brendon were on the porch smiling. Josh and Brendon ran over and hugged Harry and Louis while Tyler walked in with their stuff.  Tyler and Liam began talking about what they wanted to do since they were here. The 4 littles were playing in Harry and Louis' room. 

"What you wanna pway?" Brendon asked.

"I dunno." Louis said. 

"Wanna go outside in the yawd?" Harry asked.

"Suwre." Josh said.  And so they went to the backyard and there they saw that Zayn and Niall and Gemma were outside too. 

"Hi GemGem." Harry said.

"Hello love. Having a good time?" Gemma asked.

"Uh huh." Louis said.  "Hi ZiZi. Hi NiNi." Louis said.

"Hi Louis. Hi Harry." Zayn and Niall said at the same time. 

"Ok. What do you wan' pway?" Harry asked.

"Let's just kick this ball cause it's super fun." Brendon said. And so they just kicked a ball for about 10 minutes before it got really boring.

"Let's blow bubbles." Josh said. 

"GemGem, Can you blow bubbles so that we can pop them?" Harry asked.

"Sure." Gemma said. And so she grabbed a bubble wand and she twirled it and it made tons of bubbles. Big bubbles and small bubbles. Even bubbles that are sticking together. The 4 littles thought it was really fun for about an hour and then they were bored.  And so Liam saw the 4 littles just sit there on the ground doing nothing. And then Liam and Tyler went outside and grabbed their littles and they headed to the park. The 4 littles were confused about where they were going. 

"Where we going LiLi?" Harry asked.

"We are going to hang out at the park today." Liam said. Louis and Harry cheered. And then once they got to the park the 4 littles went on all the jungle gym equipment. And they were having a great time.  Liam and Tyler still chatted on and on about writing new music. They were never going to open for each other cause they were from two different genres of music and they concluded that if that ever happened it would lead to a freak out all over social media like if a member from One Direction opened for Twenty One Pilots or if Twenty One Pilots opened for a member of One Direction that it would reck havoc.  (Don't know if I'm using this right) I mean 3 members of One Direction were K-Pop fans and people all over social media were freaking out and it was mostly excitement, but this was a different story. Anyway, after a whole lengthy conversation the 4 littles were all tired and they wanted to sleep. And both Tyler and Liam noticed this and they put them in their strollers and they went to get ice cream which was the last thing that they wanted to do with the littles for the day before Tyler, Brendon, and Josh were back in the studio making music or on tour.   And so once they got to the ice cream parlor they each got their usual flavor. Harry had vanilla with bits of Twix in it and the others had other flavors.(sorry if I didn't mention the others flavors)  Once they finished their ice cream they went back to Liam's house so that the littles could take their nap.  Once the 4 littles were napping Liam and Tyler were back to chatting with each other like how mothers start on a topic and then they discuss that topic the whole time.  

"Once they wake up can you guys help pick out some new outfits for me and Josh and Brendon for our shows?" Tyler asked. Liam smiled.

"Sure we can mate. I mean as soon as the boys are up." Liam said which made Tyler smile. 

                                                                   A Few Hours Later

The 4 littles were up and Tyler and Liam were getting ready to take the littles to the store to get clothes for Tyler and his 2 littles. Once they were all set they went to the shops and started to look around. 

"We usually wear black clothing and maybe some yellow for me and Josh cause of our album Trench." Tyler said.  And so Liam had an idea, but he had to call Zayn. The phone was ringing for so long and then went to voicemail. Zayn didn't answer after Liam called him 4 times. And then Liam just gave up. He went to find some black clothing for them at different shops. After about an hour Liam found a bunch of black and some yellow clothing for the 3 boys.  

"Here. I found some stuff." Liam said handing the clothes to Tyler. Tyler smiled.

"Thanks Liam." Tyler said.  Once they were finished with finding and purchasing the clothing they went over to the nearest fish n chips shop and had dinner there. It was amazing and the 4 littles were having a great time. 

"I had a gweat day cause youwr hewre." Louis said.

"Yeah, me too." Josh said.  And then they kept on eating until they were stuffed. 

"I'm full. Anyone else?" Liam asked. Everyone raised their hands and they chuckled a bit. After that they went back to Liam's house to get their stuff.  Then Josh put everything they brought with them in the car including the clothes that Liam found for them. 

"It was nice to see you again Liam and it was nice to see Harry and Louis again too." Tyler said.

"Yeah, And it was nice to see you and Josh and Brendon." Liam said.  Of course the 4 boys didn't want each other to leave the other. Harry and Louis were sad they couldn't be with Josh and Brendon and the same went with Josh and Brendon. They hugged each other and gave each other one toy to remember them by. Harry gave Josh a bear stuffie. Josh gave Harry a toy ducky. Brendon gave Louis a pacifier that he had in his pocket. Brendon gave it to Louis cause it wasn't his fave paci in the world. And Louis gave Brendon a lego set and some play doh so he could make a whole moat and have a prince and princess and a dragon. They all smiled at each other and they hugged each other and said good bye.  

"We'll come back soon. Don't worry, but right now we're on tour and so we can't right now. But we will. I promise." Tyler said to Louis and Harry. And then Louis and Harry hugged Tyler and then stood by Liam. And then once Tyler got into the car they drove off. Harry and Louis sighed sadly and then Liam had an idea. 

"Why don't you get ready for bed and then we could watch whatever movie you want to watch." Liam said. The 2 boys cheered and  then Liam got them ready for bed. And then the 2 boys sat on the couch. "Ok, what do you want to watch?" Liam asked. Harry and Louis thought about it and then they finally figured out what movie to watch.

"We wan' watch Gwease." Louis and Harry said at the same time. And so Liam put Grease on for the boys and then after a while the 2 boys fell asleep. Liam smiled and brought the two boys up to bed. And then Liam went to his room to sleep.

                                                 The Next Day

"Morning boys and Gemma." Niall said.

"Mownin NiNi." Harry said.

"Where are you of to Niall?" Liam asked with an eyebrow raised. 

"I'm going to the park. Get some exercise." Niall said kinda lying. He was going to the park, but he only going to meet his friends there , but they were going to sneak into clubs and have a drink or two.  Liam rolled his eyes and just let him go. When mum was at work Liam was in charge since he was the man of the house. And so Niall left to meet his friends at the park.


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