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It was the next day. Anne was making breakfast and she was making pancakes and eggs and toast. Of course as per usual Niall was the first one to smell the food and so he ran over to the kitchen to sit at the table. Harry and Louis were already up since 6 am. It was 8 am. And so Niall began eating his breakfast. 

"Don't take too much. Leave some for the other Ni." Anne said.

"Yup, sorry mum" Niall said with a bunch of food in this mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Niall." Anne said. And then she left to grab Louis and Harry and put them in their high chairs. After a few minutes Liam and Gemma came into the kitchen. They were hungry too and so they sat down and had breakfast. 

"Hey, don't take all the food. We haven't eaten anything yet." Liam said.

"Sorry Liam and Gemma. Also mum told me the exact same thing before you guys came in." Niall said with food in his mouth. 

"Chew with your mouth closed. That is absolutely disgusting Niall." Gemma said. Niall rolled his eyes and went back to eating . The only person that wasn't up was Zayn. And as per usual he was sleeping in ignoring the smell of breakfast and just being a heavy sleeper. 

                                                                      10 Minutes Later

After 10 minutes Zayn finally came down from his room. He didn't like talking first thing in the morning when he woke up. And so after about 3 sips of coffee and about 2 bites of each food he was finally feeling awake and better.

"Morning everyone." Zayn said.  He had a smile on his face. And so they ate breakfast. Meanwhile Anne was still a bit worried about telling them about moving, but she knew she had to tell them sooner rather than later and so when everyone was done with breakfast she decided to tell them. 

"Everyone stay at the table." Anne said.

"Why mum?" Gemma asked.

"Cause I have something to tell you that is going to change your life." Anne said. And so Liam put Louis and Harry back in their high chairs and then Niall, Zayn, Gemma, and Liam sat down at the table while Anne was talking.

"What's going on mum?" Liam asked. Anne hesitated and then she took a deep breath and then she let it all out. And then she began to speak.

"We are..... moving." Anne said. Everyone was speechless. They didn't know what to do or how to comprehend the whole thing. And then Niall broke the tension.

"WHAT!" Niall said. 

"I got a new job." Anne said

"Where?" Gemma asked.

"In Los Angeles, California" Anne said. 

"THAT'S MILES AWAY!" Niall said still freaking out. 

"You know what. I am fine with us moving. Even though it is away from my friends and everything we are still together and that is what matters. I mean Los Angeles is pretty nice even though its full of loud noises like New York City. I'm fine with it." Zayn said.  Anne smiled.  And that's when Niall started crying. Liam went over to comfort him. 

"When do we leave?" Liam asked.

"We leave in July. And that a new family or couple is going to own the house once we leave." Anne said. July was a few months away and so they were getting stuff ready.  They went to the shops to get some boxes and they got some paint to paint over the walls in every room so that the new family or couple could use it and decorate it how they like.  And so they even got a truck to transport the limo and the cars all the way to the new house.  Niall was sad. He didn't want to leave his home where he grew up in and he didn't want to leave his friends. And so Niall went out to the park and he called his friends up and told them to meet him there.

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