Chapter 2

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For the rest of the school year, it seemed like the entire campus was playing one big joke on me and Percy

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For the rest of the school year, it seemed like the entire campus was playing one big joke on me and Percy. The students insisted that we never had a teacher called Mrs Dodds; only Mrs Kerr (a perky blonde), who apparently joined us at Christmas.

Every so often, Percy mentioned Mrs Dodds or made a reference to her, hoping that someone would slip up, but all he got was judgemental stares.

I offered the idea that maybe we had just imagined it all. The councillor had suggested that we had some sort of joint illusion because we were twins. Percy didn't buy it, but I had no other explanations. It was obvious that Mrs Dodds didn't exist. I mean, why would the entire school play a joke like that on us for months?

I hoped it was an elaborate joke.

Ever since Mrs Dodds, I've been hearing voices. It's been driving me crazy. I haven't dared told anyone in case they shipped me off to a mental asylum. That included my brother. Percy had enough stress with the up coming exams.

I had a feeling Luke knew something was up by the fact I was a lot quieter now. If I wasn't and tried to talk over the voices, they'd just get louder, so I sat and listened to them. I became even more restless, always needing to be moving. The only time the voices didn't say anything is when I was in the bath, fully submerged. I had learnt to hold my breath for a few minutes over the few months, making it easier to relax in the bath.

No voices. No stress. Pure bliss.

The freaky weather continued into May, which didn't help my mood. One night, a thunderstorm seemed to insist on blowing out my windows in my dorm. I'm pretty sure the entire school heard my scream that night. I know Luke did. He charged into my room just seconds after, armed with a wooden bat.

The next day, new windows were fitted just in time for a wild windy storm. Thankfully, no thunder or lightning that night.

Percy had become more annoyed and was constantly getting in fights with Nancy Bobofit and her goons. His grades slipped from Ds to Fs where as mine stayed for same, thankfully. A week before exams, Mom got a letter saying that Percy was not invited to return the following year. Percy tried to tell me that I should stay for another year, but I didn't want to stay without him.

"Plus, I don't trust you around Smelly Gabe. Someone has to keep you in check." I told him, causing him to chuckle and ruffle my hair.

I would miss Yancy. Especially Grover and Luke. Definitely Luke.

Speaking of Luke...

The night before my Latin final, I had totally forgotten he was meant to come round and help me study.

That day had been rough. The voices were constantly talking. Never shutting up. I had finally had enough when I found out that Nancy was seen kissing Luke just hours before. Nancy made sure to be the first to tell me, gloating. Then she began to push me, making snide comments the rest of the day, laughing at any signs of weakness.

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