Chapter 20

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I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun

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I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun. My family wasn't rich. Every penny mom made went to Gabe, who sometimes payed the bills with it, but mainly gambled it away. Our idea of splurge was eating out at Burger King and renting a video. A five-star Vegas hotel? Forget it.

We had all split up to do our own things.

I headed straight to the climbing wall and then bounced to the bungee-jump. I went to the water slide several times, spun round on the Waltzer, rode a massive indoor rollercoaster that had too many loops to count and won a game of paintball and laser tag. The virtual reality sets they had were amazing too. I played some cool horror games and shooting games.

I duelled against a kid in some dancing game. He was so excited when I asked to join and introduced himself as Nico di Angelo. He was practically bouncing up and down on the spot. He couldn't have been older than ten and was dressed kinda funny, but his excitement matched mine.

As we danced, we talked. He told me about his sister, who was playing a shooting game nearby and I told him about Percy. Nico and his sister had been here for a few weeks. When I told him that my friends and I had only arrived today, his excitement grew insisting that he showed us around later.

We played several rounds, but he won 4-5. I hopped off, grinning. "You're an excellent dancer, Nico!" I praised. Nico beamed up at me.

"You're very kind, Cassie. I've not had a romp like that for a few weeks now." He laughed. Romp? "You're a real good jive bomber yourself." I frowned as he turned around, looking at what to play next.

"Nico?" He turned around, still smiling. I don't think he ever stops smiling. "Remind me, what year is it?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, still smiling. "My memory is terrible!" I joked.

"1939, you dingy." I laughed, purely out of shock. Nico joined in.

Nico had told me he'd been here for only a few weeks. He could be playing a joke, but when I looked at him, I knew he was telling the truth. I suddenly felt overwhelmed. Panic poured into me. I had been here for a few hours, but what if it was longer than that?

"Nico, I got to go find my brother, but..." I paused. I had to get Percy and the others and get out of here, but what about Nico? I couldn't leave him, could I? I gulped. "I'll see you around later, okay?" I made a silent promise to him. I would come back one day and get him and his sister out.

Nico grinned, oblivious to the conflict going on in my mind. "It was lovely meeting you, Cassie." And then he waved and shot off to another game.

I shook my head. I'd come back for him soon, but first I had to find the others.

Grover was easy enough to find. He was playing some reverse hunting game where the deer shot the red-necks, screaming, "Die, human! Die silly polluting nasty person!"

"Grover!" Shouted over him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He spun round, gun raised. I jumped back and put my hands in the air, jokingly. "We gotta go. Come on!" He pulled the trigger as if he could actually shoot me. Rolling my eyes, I tried to drag him away. Tried. His flying shoes just sprang to life and he went flying back to the game as if nothing happened.

I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Grover!" He ignored me, creeping up on another human in the game.

"Die!" I squeezed behind the machine looking for any plug to pull out, but there was none. Of course these games didn't need a stupid plug.

"Grover!" I heard Percy shout from behind me. I popped my head out over the machine. Grover had raised his plastic gun on Percy and Annabeth too. "We need to leave! Where's Cassie?"

I wiggled my way back to the front of the machine. "I'm here!"

"This place is a trap!" Annabeth exclaimed, trying to tug Grover away.

"Yeah, I figured that when I met a kid from the 30s." I said. "Grover won't leave this stupid game either!" I kicked the side of the game, but I didn't even dent it.

Percy and Annabeth shared a look, and both of them grabbed Grover by the arms and dragged him away. Just like before, his shoes sprang to life and started tugging his legs in the other direction. I grabbed his legs which were already hovering in the air and helped steer him towards the exit as he shouted, "No! I just got to a new level! No!"

The Lotus bellhop hurried up to us. "Well, now, are you ready for your platinum cards?"

"We're leaving." Percy told him.

"Such a shame." The bellhop said, lowering his head, and I got the feeling he really meant it, that leaving would break his heart. "We just added an entire new floor full of games for platinum card members."

He held out the cards, and I so desperately wanted to take one. If I took one, I knew that I'd never leave. I'd be just like Nico. But, he was so happy here. I could be happy here too. I set Grover's legs down and reached for one.

Percy took one look at my face and said, "Remember Luke!" I blinked.

Luke. That named sound familiar.

Oh my gods!

Luke Castellen. He was my boyfriend and I loved him. I loved him and I'd forgot all about him. A sour taste entered my mouth and I pursued my lips.

I grabbed hold of Grover's legs as Annabeth yanked his arm that was reaching for a card back. "No, thanks." She said and we walked towards the door.

As we did the smell of all of the foods inside and sound of video games seemed to grow more inviting. My mind wandered to our room upstairs. That bed... it looked so soft and warm. I really wanted to sleep in an actual bed for once...

Then we burst through the the doors of the Lotus Casino and ran down the sidewalk, still carrying Grover, although he seemed to have snapped out of the Lotus trance, albeit a bit dazed. It felt like afternoon, about the same time we'd entered the casino, but something was wrong. The weather had changed completely. It was stormy, with lightning flashing out in the desert.

I noticed Percy still had on Ares' backpack. Odd, I hadn't noticed him wearing it a second ago. I shook my head. The Lotus Casino had clearly messed with my head.

Setting Grover down, Percy ran to the nearest news-paper stand.

"Oh gods!" He cried. I helped Grover stumble along with Annabeth. Percy pointed to the date.

Same year. Same month and...

"Oh crap." I muttered, suddenly feeling lightheaded. I leaned against the stand, looking up to the stormy grey sky.

June 20th.

We had been in the Lotus Casino for five days.

We only had one left until the summer solstice.

One day to complete our quest.

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