Chapter 3

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Percy and I left Grover at the bus terminal when he had to rush to the bathroom

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Percy and I left Grover at the bus terminal when he had to rush to the bathroom. Percy was itching to get home so I suggested we left him a small note outside the bathroom door. Percy was more than happy to leave. Percy grabbed our suitcases and dragged them outside as I slipped a note under the disabled toilet door, where Grover was. I caught the first taxi we saw heading uptown.

"East One Hundred and Fourth and First Avenue." Percy told the taxi driver. Percy seemed kind of freaked out as we drove closer.

"Percy, what's wrong? You look like you've just see a ghost?" Percy turned to me and began to explain about what he over heard Mr Brunner and Grover talk about.

"And when I told him about seeing the women snap the yarn, he began to panic, repeating the same thing, 'Never past sixth grade.' It was freaking me out, that's why I wanted to leave without him." He finished. I was so confused.

"Maybe Grover's just stressed or something. I wouldn't worry." Percy nodded, but I didn't think he believed me. The rest of the drive was in silence, which I don't think either of us minded.

A word about my mother before you meet her.

Her name is Sally Jackson and we are so lucky to have her in our lives. She is the nicest and kindest person you'll ever meet. Her own parents died in a plane crash when she was five. After that, she lived with her uncle, who didn't care much about her. She wanted to write stories for the world, but when her uncle got cancer she had to quit those dreams and stay and look after him, until he died.

After dad left, she struggled to keep a job considering she had to take a lot of time off for us. She never got mad or complained, but I knew we were both a handful.

Then she met Gabe Ugliano. He was nice at first. Then, his true colours started to show through. When we were young, me and Percy nicknamed him Smelly Gabe, which stuck since he never seems to take a shower. He didn't get on with us at all, in fact, I'm sure he'd be happy if we both dropped dead.

He was the only bad thing about going home.

- - - - -

Me and Percy walked into our appointment, hoping mom would already home. Instead, Smelly Gabe was in the living room, playing poker with his low life friends. The television blared loudly, but they didn't seem to mind. Empty beer cans and rubbish littered the carpet. Like usual.

"You're home." Gabe stated.

"And all this time, I thought I was in Narnia." I muttered. Gabe glared at me, hearing me.

"Where's our mom?" Percy asked.

"Working." Gabe grunted. "You got any cash?" I scoffed, taking my suitcase and heading towards my room.

"Used it up to pay taxi." I heard Percy tell him as I entered my room. My room was definitely nicer than Percy's. Smelly Gabe insisted on making it into his office when we were away at school. My room was smaller though. My bed just managed to squeeze in with a small bookcase. I had a small wardrobe squashed by my window.

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