Chapter 14

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I stared at her confused and taken aback by her statement

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I stared at her confused and taken aback by her statement. My head began to ache as I felt pressure on my forehead. I let go of Annabeth's hand and rubbed my forehead, trying to relieve the pressure.

"I... I don't understand. I met you at camp." Annabeth shook her head.

"No, you didn't, Cassie. We met just after you ran away." I had ran away several times, but only for a few days. And I had never met Annabeth once. "You made me this." Annabeth lifted her cardigan sleeve up, revealing some sort of rope bracelet. Like a friendship bracelet. It was made out of white and black shoelaces which were intertwined with each other. I lifted up my hoodie's sleeve to reveal the exact same bracelet. Black and white shoe lace, intertwined.

"H-how do you have that?" I asked, glancing between the two bracelets tied around our wrists. I had never seen Annabeth wearing a bracelet before, or maybe I just had never paid attention to look.

"You made it, Cassie. We were cold and were searching through some charity shop bins and you found so many shoes. Then you sat down, took the shoelaces off and made these, for all of us. Luke and Thalia had one too. Luke still has his. We spent about a month together, maybe longer." I was so confused. "You told us the story behind your necklace." I raised an eyebrow, wanting to see if she truly knew why I wore it.

"Your mom gave it too you one day after some kids had bullied you about not having a dad. Not a proper dad. You'd never noticed it before and you were so upset about it. To make you feel better, your mom gifted you that necklace. It's what brought your mom and dad together." I gulped at her words, memories of the kids teasing me for not having a dad. My mom staying with me that night, telling me the story of the necklace. She told me that as long as I wore it, I would find true love like she had done with my father.

"You told us that as long as you wore it, you would find true love, just like your mom did." I bit my lip, trying to stop it trembling.

"I admit, I ran away often when I was younger, but I'd always go back home after a few days. I never stayed away too long. Just enough time to give Gabe a chance to calm down whenever I messed up. Why would I stay away for a month?"

"You told us you had just come out of hospital. You didn't want to go back home because your step-father had thrown a glass bottle at you after you dropped some plates. He was angry and drunk. Your mom and Percy were out." They were out on the roof. Percy was mad at Gabe for something and I had dropped a plate of his food. They heard me scream and came racing back down.

"He claimed that you had fallen after dropping his plate and drink. You were too scared about what he'd do if you didn't agree. The glass had cut you deep on your shoulder blade and you had to have stiches. You showed us the scar, Cassie." My eyes flickered down to my chest, knowing that there was indeed a scar there from Gabe that sat on my collarbone.

"I had argued with my mom about her leaving him. But that was all it was. An argument. She refused and we went back home and... and..." My memory went all fuzzy from then, but it was a long time ago.

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