Chapter 5

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I wasn't sure how long I had been out for, but when I awoke it was mid day

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I wasn't sure how long I had been out for, but when I awoke it was mid day. Luke sat on a chair next to me, snoring lightly.

The dream. My mom. Luke. Grover.

I shot up as I realised it wasn't a dream. I cried out as I felt a pain shoot up in my stomach. Luke jumped, startled. I ignored him and began to climb out of bed, groaning at the pain.

"You need to rest." Luke told me, trying to get me back into bed. I shot a glare at him.

"You don't get to tell me what to do. I mean, lying to me? God, I'm so stupid!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Luke didn't understand.

"Grover was watching me and Percy. He lied to us. You lied to me as well, didn't you?" Luke hesitated. I scoffed. "Are you serious? Did you even like me?"

"Of course I did, Cassie. When I met you, I started having feelings for you, but I didn't want to say anything in case you didn't feel the same. When you confessed, I was so happy." I held onto the bed, for support, shaking, wanting to just be with my family right now.

"I - I have to get out of here. My mom and Percy will be worried sick." I didn't want to accept the fact that I had seen my mom disappear in a golden light. I wouldn't accept it. I mean, I had lost a lot of blood. And I'm pretty sure I hallucinated that monster. I took a step forward, but my legs instantly gave way. Luke managed to catch me, lifting me up.

"You need to rest." He tried to reason.

"No, I need to see my family. I want answers, Luke." My chin jutted out.

"Cassie, your mom, see..."

"It was just a dream right?" I asked, a part of my already knowing the answer. Luke shook his head.

"I'm so sorry." I stared at the floor, my eyes welling up. "I can take you to Percy." I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

"Alright," He made his way outside, "but then he seriously need to rest. You lost a lot of blood and there's only so much Nectar can do." Luke grabbed a wheelchair outside the building I had been sleeping in. "Chiron brought this down earlier." Luke placed me down, kneeling down beside me.

Looking at him, I felt my anger at him web away. "I'm glad you're here." I admitted. He chuckled.

"Me too." Luke pressed his lips against my forehead, gently. He then stood up and guided me towards where I suppose Percy was.

He stood on a porch with two grown men and a blonde girl, my age. Grover hopped up and down, nervously.

"Percy!" I cried out, waving madly. Luke pushed me quicker. Percy whipped round, his face lighting up when he saw me.

"Cassie!" Percy jumped the steps and ran towards me, Grover not far behind. Percy tackled me in a large hug. "I was so worried."

"I heard about mom." I whispered. Percy tensed.

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