Chapter 13

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That night was probably one of the worst nights

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That night was probably one of the worst nights. I barely slept on the cold ground. We had no light as we didn't dare set a fire in case it attracted monsters. Mrs Dodds and Medusa were plenty for one day, believe me. However, we were warm. Seeing as no one was going to need them, we took plenty of blankets from Aunty Em's place and wrapped ourselves up tightly in them. We couldn't dry our clothes so eventually the blankets became damp as well.

Still on edge, we decided to take turns to watch. Percy took first watch, but I still couldn't sleep. I sat down, resting against a tree, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket, clutching my dagger in one hand and my pen in the other.

Earlier, I had used Luke as my anchor. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in because of Luke. My heart hadn't stopped aching at the thought of him. What was wrong with me?

My thoughts seemed to swirl around Luke.

I missed him. It hadn't even been a full day since I'd seen him, but I missed him. I wished he was here with me to just talk.

Ever since I had arrived at camp, we had grown closer. I wasn't sure if we would at first. He had lied, but he was protecting me - from literal monsters. And when I needed him he was there.

I fiddled with my necklace whilst lost in thought.

Is this what love feels like? Am I too young to be in love? I knew first hand from my mom that first love never lasts. Mom had loved Poseidon and look where it got her.

Still, my heart told me that whatever this feeling was, it was something good. Something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Gods, what is happening to me?

I tried to tune out my thoughts, too exhausted to deal with anything.

Grover told us all about Pan, God of the Wild and his dream to search for him. I loved how passionate he got when speaking about the lost god. And eventually, when he started to play his pipes, I fell asleep. But, each time I dozed off, I would jump myself back awake, paranoid. And with what sleep I did get, I was plagued with nightmares of a war breaking out and being dragged into a pit of darkness.

A ancient dark voice called out to me.

They have mislead you, girl. It said. Barter with me. I will give you what you want. Then a shimmering vision of my mom appeared in front of me. She was frozen in her last moments of life. Her face was distorted with pain, as if the Minotaur were sill squeezing her neck, sucking the life out of her. Her eyes were staring into mine, pleading for me to leave. I tried to call out to her, to reach out to her, but I couldn't seem to speak. I was frozen.

Cold laughter echoed and wrapped itself around me, choking me. Help me rise, girl. You can get your revenge on all the gods. Destroy your father! Punish him and the others for doing you wrong.

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