Chapter 24

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We walked for miles through the Fields of Asphodel

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We walked for miles through the Fields of Asphodel. It wasn't like a wheat field in the middle of Kansas. The grass was dead and black and the trees were black too. The ceiling stretched high above to the point you could barely make it out.

And the dead wandered aimlessly. Some came up to us to speak, but it just came out as chatter like a bat was speaking. Once they realised we couldn't understand them, they'd frown and carry on, with empty eyes.

They were sad. One look and you would be a fool not to know that.

I kept my eyes on the ground, holding onto Annabeth's arm for comfort. She didn't seem to mind.

We walked past the Fields of Punishment and Elysium, even the paradise that was the Isles of the Blest.

Annabeth explained that hero's worked hard to get to the Isles of the Blest.

We movies deeper into the Fields of Asphodel. It got darker and even the colours from our clothes seemed to fade. The crowds of chattering spirits began to thin out.

After a few miles of wandering, we began to hear a familiar screech in the distance. Looming on the horizon was a palace of glittering obsidian. Above the parapets, swirled three black bat-like creatures: the Furies. I got the feeling they were waiting for us.

"I suppose it's too late to turn back now." Grover said wistfully.

"We'll be okay." Percy said, confidently, although I wasn't sure who he was trying to assure. Us or him?

"Maybe we should search some of the other places first." Grover suggested. "Like, Elysium, for instance."

Annabeth unlinked our arms and grabbed Grover's arm. "Come on, goat boy."

Grover yelped. His trainers sprouted wings and his legs shot forward, pulling him away from Annabeth. He landed flat on his back in the grass.

"Grover," Annabeth chided. "Stop messing around."

"But I didn't -"

He yelled again. His shoes were flapping like crazy now. They levitated off the ground and started dragging him away from us. I lunged forward and grasped onto his hands.

"Hold on!" I shouted as I tried to dig my feet into the ground, anything to slow him down. The shoes gave a firm tug and I tumbled to the ground, my grip tightening on Grover as we were both pulled away from Percy and Annabeth.

"Maia!" He yelled. "Maia, already! 911! Help!" I gritted my teeth. The dress gave me no protection from the grass which began to feel like tiny shards of glass as we picked up speed, skidding downhill, like a bobsled.

"Untie the shoes!" Annabeth shouted after us.

"Hold onto me with one hand, okay, Grover?" He looked up to me, fear welling up in his eyes. He nodded and tentatively let go of one hand. I clasped both hands on his left arm as he tried to swivel round and untie his shoes.

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