celebrity crush pt 2

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A/N: sorry I was gone for so long. I had writer's block and I needed to think of stories without posting them and ruining my creative flow. But I'm back and so is Caleb McLaughlin x reader stories. Can i get a hoiiyayy?

Teen Vogue has me on their show for a top Google searches with a special guest, but I don't know who that special person is yet. I'm getting my hair did and scrolling through Instagram stories. I notice that Gaten and Caleb are in L.A. near the studio so I call Caleb but he doesn't answer.

I go sit and the Teen Vogue people blindfold me. It's quiet and I hear footsteps but I take off my blindfold.

"Oh my gosh! Gaten Matazzi sup bro. I missed you."
"Y/n I missed you too," Gaten says as he kisses my cheek "but I'm not here for the Google searches thing."

Caleb walks from behind me.
"Surprise! It's me!" Caleb says as he grabs me by my waist and hugs me

"Caleb, I called to see if you were doing this with me and you didn't answer the phone."

"Duh I was trying to surprise you."

"I'm leaving you two lovers only before I see something I won't forget."Gaten said walking to the snack table.

*time skip*

"Top searches for 'Is y/n...' are 'Is Y/n dating Caleb McLaughlin?' 'Is Y/n going to Coachella?' 'Is Y/n going to be on Stranger things?' Y/n do want to answer these?" Caleb says

"Um.. sure. I'm not dating Caleb. I might go to Coachella. You'll have to wait and see if I'm Stranger Things." I said leaving fans to wonder

"Oo nice one Y/n/n." Caleb says smirking.
"Don't call me that, Lucey pukey!"
"You love when I call you by your nickname tho."
"No I don't. I've never liked it."

"The top searches for 'is Caleb...' are 'is Caleb dating Y/n?' 'Is Caleb falling in love with y/n?' And 'is Caleb going date y/n?' Why are they all based on me? Have I missed a livestream?" I ask

" I might have told my fans that i thought you were very very beautiful, and that I had a dream that we had a equally beautiful set of twins." Caleb says

"Caleb, you know how bad I want twins. Stop trying to make me soft for you again." I say blushing

"Wow. You're the most adorable person ever." Caleb says

"I think it's time to end this segment before I fall in love with this annoying guy." I say ending the show

"Wait, y/n! I have to say something."
"Nope we don't have time. I got to go. I'm late for lunch with Shawn Mendes" I said as i left the studio

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