school is a gateway to more learning

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I've been going to school for 6 almost 7 years and one thing I could tell you is that it only leads to more learning but not all lessons are in class. Some are at lunch or in the halls. One lesson that everyone learns is who they real friends are and if you haven't lost any good luck cause it's about to hit you like a bus. To those who lost many friends and find new ones I hope their better people.

I'm one of those people who lost many friends and find new ones but lost all those friends and never found new ones. I feel like I'm the problem. I even tried to change myself to fit it and I didn't feel like myself and I kinda stop acting like them and broke out of my shell they didn't like it and I just kinda drifted off and I'm honestly a extrovert so it's hard for me to not have friends.

I went to the internet but people thought I was seeking fame from it but I was just looking for friends. It's the end of the school year I'm graduating 8th grade and I'm scared my mom isn't going to show up. My dad isn't interested with me being his daughter because he has another family and no one at my school likes me.

I honestly want to do online school but it won't get me into UCLA or CALU even though I don't live in California. I feel like people there will understand me.

Caleb has been the only person who can make me laugh when I'm crying and who I can only imagine is my friend.

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