celebrity crush pt 3

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As I head to out of the studio, I go to a café to get lunch with Shawn Mendes because he wanted to put me in his 'Japan' music video.

I get there and Shawn was already there. I got nervous because I thought I was late. I sit down and apologize instantly.

"I'm so so sorry for being late. I thought I left in time to get here early." I say
"No no no. Y/n, you're early. I always get places early to so I have a chance to order and practice what I'm going to say." Shawn explained.
"I do the same thing. I always get pink lemonade and fries because who hate pink lemonade and fries. I must go over my lines 3 or 4 times before I'm prepared." I say relating to Shawn

We talk and plan days for practice. I get call for a unknown number so I leave the table to answer it.

Y/n: hello
Unk: hey y/n?
Y/n: this is she. May I ask who this may be?
Unk: it's me. Jahi.
Y/n: ohh. Hey sup?
Jahi: nothing I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me.
Y/n: umm... sure. I'm in a meeting right now but I'll call ya later. Ok?
Jahi: ok. Talk to you later beautiful.

I think to myself that was awkward. How did jahi get my number? Why did he want to go to the movies with me?

Caleb McLaughlin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now