best friends

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Me and caleb are live on Instagram and a bunch of fans are asking if you guys are secretly dating and asking if Caleb likes me because the way he looks at me but I didn't really pay attention to it because I was listening to music and dancing.

Caleb and I were dancing together then I read the comments and I start to answer the questions.

Fan: are you guys dating?
Me: NO. He's my best friend.
Fan: has you ever liked y/n?
Caleb: umm I guess. I mean she's very pretty and I think it's cute how shy she is in front of new people.
Y/n: aww Caleb! You are so soft!
*kisses him on the cheek*
Caleb: Stop! I just have feelings, okay.
Fans: awww 🛳🛳🛳🛳🛳
Other fans:😣😭😘😍

Caleb looks me in my eyes deeply. I try to break Contact but I felt so connected to him. I couldn't keep feel the things I was feeling. He's my best friend.

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