Dont wanna fall in love pt1

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A/n : I haven't been on here in a while bc most of the Caleb stories are based of white girl like most the stories on here and there's nothing wrong with that but I mean can we get some POC stories like POC on POC I wanna see some shit like that on here. But I'm back for a minute I guess

Caleb and I are best friends and your a big fan of stranger things so Caleb invites you to spend to weekend down in Atlanta while they film. I obviously said yes. I pick a bag for three days with some extra space just in case you go shopping. I put the basic essential items of clothing in there. I can't forget to put on matching outfit i got with Caleb.

 Caleb and I get on the plane and three hours later you're in Atlanta

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Caleb and I get on the plane and three hours later you're in Atlanta. "We're gonna go get lunch with Sadie Gaten and Noah, Okay?" Said Caleb. "Okay, that seems fine." I say

We get to chipotle and I see Gaten at the table. Sadie and Noah are in line ordering. I sit down with Gaten while Caleb gets in line to order our food. "Hey I'm y/n!" I say  "I'm Gaten but you probably know that already" I giggle "yeah" "so how do you know Caleb?" Gaten asked "we've been friends for a few years

Noah and Sadie come to the table with their food. "Omg you're Y/n! You're a literal princess, you're super beautiful!!" Sadie said
"Aaawwwwwweee stoooppppp ittt! You're by far more beautiful than me." I say  "Y/n is cute, Sadie!" Noah said "awe Noah thank you!"

Caleb comes over "hey there's your bowl I got extra lettuce and salsa for ya" "thanks kind sir"

We start eating and we spark up random conversations. Gaten's girlfriend calls and he leaves  "So Y/n why are single? You're really pretty and fun." Sadie said  "Probably bc im shy around guys I like and I'm looking for the right person" Caleb laughs "you're not shy around me." He winks. I blush "don't flatter yourself sweetheart!"
"Just kiss me already baby girl I know you want to." Sadie and Noah give each other the you peeping this shit look 🌚🌝 and Noah starts recording.
"Awe Caleb really thinks I would kiss him, at least let me get some chapstick first" I put on my chapstick then I kiss Caleb
"Ooh umm okay" Caleb says blushing
Guys guess what?! Noah got that on video" Sadie said
Caleb and I watch the video. "I honestly don't think we would make a cute couple...." I say  "we would make a sexy one Thanks to me of course!" Caleb said "I know you fucking lying! I'm literally everything I guy wants in a girl." I say. "Yeah just because you got some cake and a nice body doesn't mean anything"
"It obviously does if you just pointed it out" Sadie and Noah say "I think we're gonna go see you guys on set"

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