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It was 9 a.m. you gazed out of your bedroom window and saw your date! He was wearing a casual red shirt with black jeans, you blushed as he waved at you from outside. You wore a white, long sleeved top, while you wore a short black skirt with a pair of heels. You two were going to a nearby cafe, as you went outside he smiled as he pulled you into a hug. You two had known each other for 2 whole years, as you arrived at the cafe he picked a fresh flower from one of the plants and placed it into your beautiful hair. After your wonderful breakfast, you couldn't help but blush and think about how you to couldn't even eat your food, because you  two were talking non stop! Later on he took you to the park, where you two sat down on a nearby bench, you gazed into his eyes while he glanced at yours, slowly you to leaned into a passionate long kiss. Your face turned bright as a tomato, you never felt so amazing just from one kiss. His lips were like velvet rose petals, soft and pink. You had what felt like millions of butterflies in your stomach. Caleb brought feelings out of you, you never thought you had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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