Dear Diary

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A/n: I don't know if people still keep a diary but when i have 20+ chapter I'm starting a book it's going to be a Caleb book, DUH. But here's the plot. 

y/n y/l/n is a tall, beautiful and popular actor from the city. Her life is going nowhere until she meets Caleb Reginald McLaughlin, a muscular, smart man with a passion for dancing.

y/n takes an instant disliking to caleb and the arrogant and mean ways he learnt during his years in Ohio.

However, when a jealous ex tries to attack y/n, caleb springs to the rescue. y/n begins to notices that caleb is actually rather noble at heart.

But, the pressures of Caleb's job as a actor leave him blind to y/n's affections and y/n takes up star gazing to try an distract himself. ( I thought that he should take up star gazing because- never mind you will just have to wait and find out)

Finally, when cold-blooded dancer, Chantel Rose , threatens to come between them, Caleb has to act fast. But will they ever find the incredible love that they deserve?

A/n: So basically I want you guys to tell me if you want something added to it but keep in mind that this is only a small part of the story. Some of the story will be written in " Dear Diary" because it's the title. Also the dear entry will start off with a big word to describe something that happened or mood of the day. 

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