Girl, Why Are Playin Wit We

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Caleb and I were chilling for past couple days but Caleb had to go back to ATL soon. He asked me to come with him but I don't know if I should go, I asked my mom if I should go and she said " You should go, you and Caleb never hangout anymore and I feel like you guys are drafting apart." so I went home pack a 2 weeks worth of clothes and i get on my flight to ATL.

At Caleb's Apartment in ATL

I Knock on the door and Caitlyn answers. "Hi princess." "Hey Marie, what are you doing here?" "Caleb, didn't tell you that I'm staying here for a bit?" "NO. But i'm very excited!" " me too. Let's go inside maybe..." "oh yea, sorry." we go inside and i unpack my things in caleb's room.


Caleb comes back with Gaten, Finn and Sadie, they can meet me in person. we ended up playing truth or dare.

G: Finn truth or dare?

F: Truth...

G: Is it true you thought Marie was cute before you found out that Caleb likes her?

F: ...y-..I guess, Caleb truth or dare

C: Dare.

F: I dare you to let Marie sit on your lap.

M: I don't want to sit on his lap.

C: Yea, she doesn't want to.

S: But you want her to

C: noo i don't

F: okay, fine. I dare you to put on Marie's bra.

C: you heard the man, get the bra

Marie goes to get the bra and comes back

M: Here. Don't stretch it out please

S: ooooh, thats pretty.

M: thanks, I got it at VS

G: OK oK we get it the bra is cute but he still needs to put it on.

C: yeah, so help me put it on.

S: put your arms in here.

F: he is supposed to put it on, on his own

M: oh.. well, sorry.

*Caleb struggles for what seems like years, I've never seen someone take so long hooking a bra.*

M: Can we move on now?

S: please, it's getting sad.

C: well thanks it's not like i had time to practice.

G: so you've never... never mind. Lets play never have i ever!

M: I'm so innocent I'm going to win.

C: you're not innocent, remember that time you got caught under the bleachers wit-

*Marie covers caleb's mouth*

M: It wasn't like that.

F: wait... i wanna know what happened.

G: me too.

S: Soo I'm the only person respects privacy? okay.

M: can we just play? we're doing five fingers. NO TARGETING.

C: no fun.

F: I go first never have i ever licked someone's foot

*no one puts a finger down*

G: Stop being so random. Never have i ever had a crush on Marie.

* Finn and Caleb put one finger*

M: Am i not your type, gaten?

G: back off i have a guurrrl friend!

S: *laughs* never have i ever had a crush on caleb.

M: I cant put my finger down, i still like caleb.

G&S: Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

C: Marie can i talk to you in private?


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A/N : another cliff hanger :'(

sorry i was going to finish it but i need something keep me busy sooo what do you think Caleb is going to say to Marie. also if you see mars you the next one its Marie's n/n.

word count: 548

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