Chapter 6.

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I can't believe Dark has done this to me. I felt so weak that all that I felt I could do is cry. I couldn't take it anymore, no more people pushing me around. I get out of Darks grip, push him away to the floor, and start banging on the glass, and making a crack. I  keep hitting it till it breaks and the crowd stops cheering when I jump down and run to my fathers corpse.

I hugged him tight and hoped he would come back. "Please don't die. Please don't die." I whispered to myself, holding back more tears ad well.

Something grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me away from him. I look up to see Flame,"W-Why? Why do this?" I question.

He laughs"Cause its fun, duh. Now get up, you have to go to lunch." I wipe my tears away and get up sulkily. He leads me through the hallways till we reach the cafeteria. It was filled with peope and I was hoping to find Mark, but the guards told me I had to have my own table cause I was "untrustworthy" to be with other humans. I grab my so-called lunch and walk to the table I was told to eat at, but there was someone there.

I was confused, since Humans weren't suppose to sit with me, yet I sat down next to him anyways. He had Dark, brown hair, pale skin, yellow eyes, and seemd to be in his late Thirty's.He glares at me quickly before going back to his food. I clear my throat,"Um might I ask why are you at my table and not with the other humans?"

He points to the sign on the table without looking away from his tray while eating, which says "No Humans." I tilted my head confused,"Your not a human? Then what are you?" He stops eating and turns to me,"A mistake." And he continues with his food. "What does that mean?" I ask. He rolls his eyes,"Meaning I'm a demon that was accidently created."

"Oh, well that's cool" I awnser, and take a bite out of my apple. He grabs my apple and throws it, "No, not cool, hard even." "My apple..." I say, then I see someone pass by with and apple on there tray and I quickly snatch it of the tray and bite it. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Nate." I say with my hand out.

The guy shakes it,"Madpat, but you may call me Mad."

I let go of his hand and take another bite of the apple,"So why are you the only demon here besides me?" He sighs and looks away,

"Because I am the only demon left in the reballion. When everyone thought that you ran away from Hell because you were afraid, many demons decided to make a group to defeat Dark, but they were all caught and killed, but he spared me."

I choked on a peice of apple and spit it out."Wait, you guys thought I ran though? Is that why you didn't want to speak to me when I first talked
to you?"
Mad nodded. "Put your trayd away and get back to work! Lunch is over!" A guard yelled, and everyone scramed to put there trays away and go out through a door.

"Go back to work?" I ask confused. "You'll see, just follow me." Mad says as he gets up and throws his true away and walks outside. I quickly follow him and freeze as I see the outside world. There had to be over thousands of humans out gets, building tall buildings and destroying the old ones. Everywhere I looked was just humans working with no stop, mining with there pickaxes, chopping wood, moving bricks, and it seemed that if you stopped you would be beaten up, or worse...killed.

"Oh my god..." I shockingly say. "I know right, its just sad, hope you find a way to fix this, but for now let's get to working." He says picking up a pickaxe and walking to a mountain. I get one as well and follow him, but stop in my tracks when I see....Mark! "Mark!" I yell tying to get his attention, and Mark looked around trying to find the cause the sound. Then Mad grabs me and drags me to the mountain. "Are you crazy?! If you yell out like that, those guards will beat you to death! Now just start mining"And he starts mining.

I do the same while I think of a way to get to Mark....wonder how though.

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