Chapter 9.

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I'm in deep trouble now. I don't wanna lose my only friend! I had to do what I had to save my friend....wait. And I thought of an idea, "You idiot! You're just gonna kill yourself then! Haha!" I yell, kicking the chair trying to pretend I'm dying of laughter. Dark looked at me confused, "What do you mean?"

I laugh harder, "Look at each other, your his Alter you idiot! If he dies, than he dies, duh!" Dark takes a while to understand, till he put the knife down. Mark and I sighed of relief, but I did it on the inside. "You won this argument Nate, but the next time I call you in, I won't be so easy, Guards!" Blank and Xyler walk in again as he called, "Sir." They say together. "Take them both to there cells, watch them both though, they are planning some thing." Dark ordered. They nod and grab us and send us to our cells. Right before me and Mark got seperated to different hallways, I put a note in his pocket.


As I get shoved to the cell, I feel something fall out of my back pocket. I look down to see that its a slip of paper, and pick it up. Nate must've put it in my pocket, cause it read, "Meet me in the back of the field outside tomorrow after breakfast."

"What's that Mark?" Said Flame, who suddenly appeared outside my cell. I tear it up and drop the pieces in the floor, "Nothing, its gone anyways." I awnser, sitting on the bed, putting my hands behind my head. He teleports in and gets the priced of paper, and uses his power to stick them back together. Oh no... He reads it and grins widely, "Thanks for the info Mark, sweet dreams." And he teleports out.

Nate is gonna be pissed.

~~Next day~~

The other cells opened for other humans to leave to eat breakfast, but instead mine stayed shut and was sent a tray of food. Great, Flame must've told Dark about the message Nate gave. I eat my breakfast, when I notice the vent above me.


Immidently as the cell opened, I ran out, but of course the guards grab me and hold me down and walk me out. I had the perfect plan and I needed to get outside now! I would tell Mad since he's right next to me, and the only demon on my side, yet I just don't trust him yet.

I groaned when I realized we were lead to the cafeteria for breakfast. I quickly ran to the line and got a tray full of food and went to my table. Mad arrived shortly too, and sat next to me, "What you planning now, huh?"

Like I said, just not trusting enough, "Nothing you need to know, you wouldn't care."

"I care enough to ask, usually I ignore this stuff, so at least I'm intrested!" Mad argued.

Finally I finished my food and got up to throw it away. I asked the guards if they could let me out early to work more, but if course they said no, maybe Mad was behind this. "So are you gonna tell me or not?" He complained. I shook my head, "No means no Mad, so drop it." He breathes deeply, "Don't trust me then, fine, then I guess you wouldn't take my advise to teleport out here..."

My eyes widen when he said that. Why have I never thought that before? I teleport outside to the site, but get shocked hard and get teleport back to the seat. I could not describe what I just felt, there was both pain and numbness.

While I was trying to witness what I just felt, Mad was laughing to death right next to me. "Oh my god! I can't believe you actually listened to me! Man Nate, your never gonna survive here like this!" I roll my eyes at him, and he stops laughing. "Not helping making you trust me....sorry?"

I sigh deeply, "Your forgiven for now, but I won't tell you the plan yet, you'll know it soon though." When I finished my sentence, the guards opened the doors. "See you then Mad!" I say running out the doors, dodging all the people and sneaking around the guards till I finally reach the end of the field of construction. I wait a while and look around, not seeing Mark anywhere. Loosing hope, I started to walk back to the mines, when I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Sorry I'm late, guards thought I was Dark." Marks voice said, and I turn around. "Dude, I thought something happened to you, don't do that!" He laughs, "Sorry again, but what was it you wanted to talk about?" "Oh ya right!" I dart my eyes to my sides to see if anyone was near besides Mark. I whisper,

"Ok, you know how I told Dark that if you die, he would to? Well actually I don't know if that's true , I just had to do something! But if he keeps believing this, I could threaten to kill you, and when he gives up, I shot him right in the head! Or something like that."

Marks jaw drops, "That could actually work...but how would we do that?" "Simple, do something bad of course."
I tell him, then running up a hill to see a few guards. I sneak up behind Anti grab, and start choking him. "Hey!" Blank said next to us and pressed the button on his remote to shock me. I screamed and fell to my knees.

"What the heck? You must be an idiot to think you would get away with that." Anti growled, grabbing me and pulling me up. I see Mark watching me above the hill. "What's should we do with him? He might try it with some other guard.

"Just take him to Dark maybe, I don't know, Dark may take him to Flame anyways." Blank said. Please not that, please not that. "Eh why not?" Anti said, making me walk with him to Dark. I just hope that Dark won't think about sending me to my brother, or it will ruin the plan! We reach the room and they push me in,

"He tried attacking us sir, and we're afraid if he might attack more guards or humans, must be going insane." Blank told Dark. "Oh, just leave him here, I was gonna call him in anyways." Dark told them, and they walk out.

I walk to the chair and sit in it, since Dark may tell me to sit again a dog. "So...its no secret that you just attacked them to get here." I scoff, "What gave that away?" Dark smirks, "Me reading your mind, that's what."

I look up at him when he said that, "W-What? You can d-do that?" He nods slowly, "Yes, but that's not all I read..."

My new record for making a chapter with 1185 words! Whoop whoop!

OK bye now


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