Chapter 10.

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Crap, crap, crap! I finally had made what I thought was a full-proof plan, but then this happens. How was this guy even banished in the first place?!

"I was a child when I was banished, so I knew nothing of my powers, now I learned how to control them." Dark awnser after reading my mind.

I sigh and lay my head back against the chair, "Wish you we're a kid now honestly." Dark ignores what I say, "Well I may be able to read minds, but your blocking something important to me that I am not able to read." I gulp, "I h-have no idea what you're t-talking about, honest-t!"He punches my my stomach, getting the breath knocked out of me and I hold my stomach trying to get more air. "Enough stalling Natemare, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way."

How could anything be worse than what's happened to me already? "I would show you if you disobey me, but I wouldn't want that to happe-." "Try me! First take over my home, then slave human's and demon's, the. You kill my father! Ya, anything could be worse than this." I yell at him also rolling my eyes at the last sentence.

"Fine then." He sits in his chair and holds down a button on his desk and speaks into it, "Bring him back to my office." I hear someone open the door, must be the guy he called in. I turn my head to see that it

"You needed me, sir?" Mark said, walking toward the desk and sitting in the chair next to me. "MARK?! YOU ARE ON DARKS SIDE!?" I scream at his puny face. Mark grinned and nodded, "Surprising isn't it? Turns out that being on his side isn't so bad, wanna join?" No, I wouldn't believe what I just heard. I tried not to cry again, but a tear slipped by and fell down my cheek.

"Oh grow up Nate, when will you learn? Anyways, have the information I ordered you to bring?" Dark asked Flame. He nodded and told Dark everything, every single detail. I just looked away in shame, failing again. It was like being caught by the teachers for something I did wrong, only much worse.

Wait Nate, Why would Mark ever do this? My friend would never betray me like this, this behaviour of Mark right now seemed familer. Then it clicked.

"So you think you could fool me Flame? You nearly tricked me though." I tell them both, looking over them.

Flame stops talking to his Master and turns his head to me, changing to his normal look, "Dang it Nate! Why do you always know, your no fun anymore!"

"Its a shame that he figured out, but it was a good plan he had, but my plans are always better Nate." Dark tauntly says.

Still looking away from him, I sigh, "What are you gonna do to me?" I ask slowly.

I peek a little a them to see Dark look at Flame and nod, yet Flame groans but agrees, "Yes sir." And he walks over to me and grabs me by the shoulder and pulls up, making me stand, "Let's get this over with." I shrug my shoulder to push his hand off, "Wait wait wait, where am I going?!"

Flame grabs both my shoulder's and turns me around and pushing me toward the door, "You'll see now let's go!" I elbow him to stop pushing me and start walking next to him. We head into the room where my father was killed, which got me nervous. I didn't my dads body though, so that made me better so I didn't have to remember that painful memory.

Flame goes to a chest and savenges though it, then pulls out a sword and tosses it to me. I quickly catch it before it hits my face, and glare at him, "If your forcing me to kill others, I won't do it."

He chuckles and holds up a sword that he was hiding behind him, "Nah, were just gonna have a little training, see what you can do."

I back up, I knew what my brother could do with a sword. Me and him practiced when we were little, and I still have scars from his attacks. I laugh nervously, "Um is there an other option....please?"

He walks towards me with his toward pointed at me. "Sorry bro, its what you get for disobeying Dark." And he charges at me with his sword, stabbing me in the shoulder.

~~Few hours later of beating up~~

Flame pushed me to the floor, as I was all covered in mark's and bruise's. "Get up, its time for everyone to head to there cells, let's go."  Flame said and put the swords away. Getting up with my arm on my shoulder, I head to my cell with Flame behind me. I reach my cell and lay on the bed, not even caring about the pain anymore.

Forgetting Mad was in a cell near me too, he gasped, "Dude are you OK? What did they do to?" I mumble, "Nothing, now shut up..." Yet he doesn't. "Do you give up yet?" I stay silent, but soon nod. "Good, now will you let me help you?"

It was hard to say it but I sat up from the bed, looked up t him, and said, "Fine, but betray me and I will end you."

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