Chapter 13.

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I gulp visibly. I comply forgot about Flame, now we're screwed, unless... I turn slowly while putting my hands up, and nudge Mark on the arm to do the same. Mark understands and does the following. Flame still aims the gun at us, "Why are you too here, and no tricks, I'm looking at you Mad." I curse after he says that.

"Hey I got an idea, Mark why don't YOU tell me why you're here? Then maybe I might spare your lives." Flame says as he put the gun to his side.

Crap, Demons can see through a humans lies. I glance at Mark and nudge my head to the control panel behind us. He gets the idea and nods.
"What is with you two and nodding? Are ya deaf?" The Swedish demon said confused. Can't believe I'm doing this, but less than a second I kick Flames face while Mark dashes to the control panel. I hold him down while he tries to get out of my grip, but he is surprisingly weak for a tough looking dude.

"Um Mad! What am I technally doing?!" Mark yells. "Find Flames collar number and turn it off! It might be why he is mind-controlled!" I yelled back, while Flame just fights back more. Flame stops for a second to breath, which makes me confused.

"Flame? Are y-" before I get to finish, I get kicked right in the crotch, making me fall to my knees and groan in pain.

Flame chuckles while getting up, turning to Mark and starts walking to him. Sadly, Mark doesn't understand demon tech, so he was just pressing random buttons like crazy. Trying to ignore the pain, I grabs Flames leg and pull him to the ground. He yelled in surprise, but quickly got up.

"Mad, sorry to inturpt but.... I don't know what I'm doing!" Mark complained. I groaned again, more fighting for me I suppose....


I have never been so mad in my life...well maybe that's not true but still! Getting agitated, I scream and spam all the switches and buttons. "No stop! You'll make the alarms go off! I'll tell you what to p-press, but do it fast cause I-I don't think I can't fight back much longer!" Mad stuttered, while holding Flame back.

I breath in to calm myself, "OK...what do I have to do first?" "Press the button that says 'Demon Collars', then press the numbers...." Mad pauses to look on Flames collar for the number, "2F4U on the keyboard!" I search the control panel till I find it and press it quickly, then search up the code. Flames picture pops up at the screen.

"No!" Flame screams, pushing Mad to the wall, leaving him free. "Uhhh hurry what's next!?" I say worriedly.

Mad gets dizzy for a few seconds, then mumbles, "J-Just pull the biggest switch.."

I find the switch a reach for it, but a hand traps my wrist. "No no no, I wouldn't do that if I we're you, Mark" Flame taunted, grinning at me. I wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He continued"To afraid to speak I see? Well the King won't think that's a problem, now let's go." He tried to drag me away from the control panel, but freezes and falls to the ground passed out.

I look toward where mad was not seeing him there anymore, but at the control panel next to the pulled switch.

"We did it... Now we just have to wait till he wakes up, then maybe he might give us the things we need to stop Dark." Mad says proudly.

"But what about Nate?" I ask.


Finally done from thinking, I sigh in defeat, "I surrender..." I say slowly.

Dark smirks, "Good choice Nate, now guard's!" Guards come in and wait for a command. "I will be heading to my office with Nate, I need you to bring his friends to me." They nod and head out. I turn to say something, but he cuts me off, "Don't worry, I won't be killing them, you have my word."

I didn't quite believe him, but I didn't want to get on his bad side, so I nodded in agreement and got up. "Follow." Was all he said, then walked out of the test room to the hallways and leading to his office. I hated  surrendering to him, but it was the only way to protect my friends, but if he betrays me for one second, I will rip his throat out.

Xyler and Blank walked beside me to male sure I didn't try anything funny. I smiled at an idea I got, and tripped Blank sneakly. He noticed, but got back of his feet and shoved his shoulder to my shoulder hard and whispered, "Nice try." I rolled my eyes and continued walking.


"Argh......" I groan out with extreme pain in my head.

"Oh? He's already awake?" I heard a voice say. "I guess, at least it was quick, Now hurrt up and untie him!" I heard another voice say.

"No way. How do we know he's good now? We gotta check." Said the first voice, and he started waving his hand in my face. I snap out of it and jolt up. "What?! Who?! Why!!?" I said terrified. "Whoa calm down! Were just gonna ask you something, who is the rule of Hell?"
Was he thinking this was a trick question? Was he planning something to kill me? Maybe it explains me getting tied up to a chair by this strange man. I decided not to think about it so much and awnser him, "Satan, duh. Where have you been?" He looks to the left and nods at.....Mark? "Mark!     Oh thank goodness! Can you tell this weird guy to untie me please?"

"I was already gonna untie you, and who you calling weird?!" The guy said. "Ignore him, just do it." Mark told him. He rolled his eyes and untied the rope, letting me feel my hands again. "Thank you, now tell me....what the hell is going on?!"

The weird guy sighed, "To shorten it out, A man named Darkiplier took over Hell and manipulated demons to do his bidding. You were one of them, his assistant in fact. We are trying to end hi-"

I inturrupt, "Wait wait wait, where is Nate in this story? And My father? Because both of them could've stopped him by now!"

The guy goes silent and pushes Mark forward, "You tell him. I'm going to shut down our collars." And he walks of to a computer thing. I ask again, "Where are they Mark?" Mark rubs the back of his head, "Nates alive just not here at the moment....but your dad, is sorta.....dead? I'll just say that.."

My jaw drops and I jump up from the chair,"WHAT?! HOW?!" "You don't want to know.." I grab him by the shirt and bring him close, " Tell me NOW! WHO DID THIS?!"

"You did." Said the guy from behind. I drop Mark and slowly turn around, "W-What did you say?" "You did." He repeated, not even regretting saying it. I would've argued with him, but it just sounded so true by the way he told me. I look down and sit down in the chair again. "I-I need some time to know what I am hearing..."

One again sorry for the late chapters...I just trying to think of good ideas for this book but like no thing is popping up.

Buh bye for now!


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