Chapter 5 ~ Some Things, We Don't Talk About

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(Sonic's POV)

"Sonic?" She gaped at me. I could tell she was surprised by my presence from that gleam in her eye and how her mouth opened slightly, making it seem as she was at a loss for words.

I laughed nervously, "hi."

I scratched the back of my head and smiled slightly. I didn't really know I was coming here, my feet brought me here by coincidence. But also, my mind was screaming at me, telling me to confront her. I was a little hesitant but I did cave in, and now here I was standing at her doorway waiting for a response from the pink hedgehog.

Her gaze lit up a little, "come in..."

She motioned me to the living area, which I know too well. This place is like my second home. I settled down on the love seat as Amy followed in after me.

She eyed me over as I propped my feet up on the coffee table. "NO! No feet on the table!" she shooed my feet from their resting place.

I pouted but she ignored me.

"You want anything? Lemonade? Iced tea?" she offered

I nodded, "I'll take some lemonade, please."

She excused herself for a minute and I sat up in my chair. I placed my head in my head and thought to myself, I wonder why she would not come, especially when her favorite genre of movie was playing.

She did seem out of it lately, and to add on to it, I haven't seen her in school. Maybe she hasn't been feeling well.

Yeah, that's it! It has to be!

I was interrupted from my thoughts when she arrived back into the room with two glasses of lemonade. I thanked her as she handed me a tall glass. A spark raced through my veins as our hands touched. I looked in her eyes and saw she was staring straight back at me with the same expression. Shock. It seemed like I was lost in her eyes for a moment before she quickly took her hand away. Did she feel that feeling too?

Well that was weird.

I shook the thought away, it's probably nothing. I took one swift sip of the lemonade. Nice and sour. Just the way I like it.

I looked at her and noticed her staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I sighed as I started to speak.

"Well, first of all; I want to know why you didn't show up to movie night."

"Well I had te-" she tried to explain, but I cut her off.

"Don't give me that crap; you and I both know that isn't true." I paused, not wanting to sound angry, "just tell me the REAL reason why you didn't come."

She hesitated, her mouth opening and closing at times. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for her response. I shifted in my seat.

"You know how I don't like to wait." I murmured, folding my arms across my chest.

"Well, if you really want to know..." she paused and massaged her temples all the while closing her eyes, when her eyes fluttered back open, she continued, "I am PMSing. You know what that means right?"

I staggered back, on second thought maybe it wasn't a good idea to confront her...even though we are best friends and all, my closest friend yet, I didn't need to know this stuff. "Yeah I know what that is."

"So, I didn't want to ruin the fun with my change of attitudes." she looked at me sternly. I saw something else in that stare that I haven't seen from her yet. Dishonesty? No, she couldn't lie to me. I hope.

I cleared my throat, now wanting to leave. "Are you going to flip on me?" I asked.

"No." she stated, giving me a questioning stare.

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