Chapter 20 ~ I Know Times Have Been Rough

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(Aleena's POV)

Doing the rest of my chores, I clean up the rest of the laundry and place it I to the washer. I pressed the button and let the washer clean the clothes. I sighed and clapped my hands together, moving into the living room to relax.

These days have been beyond stressful. I haven't even had the guts to ask my boy if he even remembered anything. Who knows, the pills might not be working, and he is putting drugs in his body for no reason.

I rubbed my temples with a groan. I need a break, sometime to relax! When Sonic is at school, I might just go out someplace for the day. Maybe the spa...yeah.

But, what if something happens to Sonic at school! Then I wouldn't be there to comfort him.

I let another sigh escape my lips as I closed my eyes and laid back on the couch.


I heard a loud noise from upstairs. I pried open one eye, waiting for another noise, but nothing happened. I opened both of my eyes and sat up.

"Sonic?" I called out to him, "You okay?"

No response. Worried, I stood up and walked towards the stair case, standing at the bottom, "Sonic!"

Nothing. I slowly walked up the stairs, hearing the creak of the floorboards underneath me. I sucked in a shaking breath as I reached the last step.

I approached Sonic's door, my heart pounding in my ears. I wonder what in the world it might be. Maybe someone broke in from the window in Sonic's room.

I softly tapped my knuckle on the door, "Sonic? Are you alright?"

My hope decreased as I didn't hear another response. What in the world could be going on? I braced myself before slowly pushing the door, making it creak and open slightly. I took a deep breath and let it out, before opening the door all the way.

My heart shattered as my eyes fell upon his bed, where I saw his body, lying there. At first glance it looks like he is sleeping, but then my eyes trailed to his mouth, where I saw foam, coming up from his mouth. I saw his nose was bleeding and there was a trail of blood, going from where I was standing to his bed, and where the bed sheets were soaked in a red substance.

I immediately identified that as blood too. I felt tears pour down my cheeks in endless water falls. I couldn't control myself as I looked over his figure again. My body was froze in it's spot, mostly from shock.

What the hell happened?!

Finally regaining control of my body, I stepped forward, running to his side. I took a hold of him and shook his body, hoping to wake him.

"SONIC!!!" I cried out.

I took his phone from his bedside table and called an ambulance.

This is bad, what did he do?!

Once I finished the call, I noticed the bottle of pills on the floor. My heart raced as I picked up the bottle, noticing it was a lot lighter than yesterday. I opened it up and saw that it was half empty.

I felt my head spin and I felt like punching a wall. Why in the world did he drug himself?! He knows we are here for him! Why did he do this?!

No more than 3 seconds later, I heard and ambulance down the street, pull up to our house. They broke in and rushed up the stairs. They pushed Sonic off the bed and onto the stretcher. I watched helplessly as they carried him away.

Then I finally knocked some sense into myself and ran down the stairs after them. I want to go in the ambulance with them. Once the hauled him up into the back of the ambulance I climbed in too and sat on the side, gripping the side of the seat as the ambulance took off.

I watched as they cleaned the foam and blood off and placed a mask on him, helping him breathe. They tried to bring his hear beat back with each electrical shock, flowing through his body, making him jump. I shielding my eyes and cried in my hands, not wanting to see this.

I don't want to see my son lie there helplessly. It's too much...

We arrived at the hospital later and they rushed him into the doors, going into a room. I tried to follow, but a nurse held me back. She gave me a pleading look and I wiped my tears and nodded. I couldn't go see him....

I walked over to the waiting area and sat down on one of the chairs. I pulled out my phone and contacted Tails and Amy, each sending a message to them.

'Hello, Sonic has recently gone into the hospital. Come here so I can explain the situation.'

I sent the message and laid my head in my hands, breathing deeply, trying to regain my composure.

This can't be happening...

(Tails' POV)

I rushed into the hospital, Amy right behind me. We recently got the message from Aleena, telling us about Sonic in the hospital. Her and I were pretty peeved when heard it. We even broke down crying.

I rushed over to the hallway, hoping we could get in, but a nurse stopped us.

"LET US GO!" I screamed, trying to push past them. I needed to see him!

"I can't let you through!" she replied, trying to hold us back.

"SONIC!" Amy screamed, "I NEED TO SEE SONIC!"

"We will call the police if you don't cooperate with us." another nurse who came in to help warned us.

Amy and I calmed down and pulled back, walking off towards the waiting area.

We spotted Aleena and she smiled weakly at us. I ran over to her, "Aleena!"

I crushed her in a tight embrace. She cried into the crook of my neck. I let some of my tears flow, rubbing her back. Amy joined in, crying as well.

We were separated when we heard a soft and gentle voice, "I heard about Sonic in the hospital..."

I knew that voice, "Cream..."

I looked back at her, she was staring up at me, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. I ran over and hugged her, kissing her cheek softly.

"Well, now since everyone is here, I better tell you what happened." Aleena stated. She took in a deep breath and sighed. "When I finished my chores, I heard a loud thump from upstairs. I rushed up there and called out to Sonic, hoping he was okay. When I didn't hear a response, I got worried. I opened up his door and found him lying on the bed, motionless. I saw blood everywhere and foam was coming out from his mouth." she paused, choking on her tears.

"I noticed the bottle of pills next to his bed on the floor. When I picked it up, I noticed it was half empty. I panicked and called the ambulance. I am pretty sure, he over dosed on the memory pills. I don't know why...maybe he wanted to remember something....but then they took him away to the hospital, which is where we are." she explained, letting the tears stain her cheeks. Amy broke out, hysterically crying in her hands

I gaped at her, he overdosed?!

I can't believe it! I thought he was smarter than that to do something like this!

Cream started bawling, burying her head in the crook of my neck. I pulled her closer, rubbing circles on her back.

He better be okay...

~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~

I am astonished with how much support I get. I have so much faith in this book, because of you all. Thank you so much for getting me at #281....for me thats a big leap! ahaha

I love you all <3

This is Sonamyjewelkatefan signing off saying, "have a frabjous day! <3"

Sonic and Co. (c) Sega and Sonic Team

Story Plot and Drake the Fox (c) meh

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