Chapter 22 ~ I'm Losing Hope

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Sorry for the repetitive Amy's POV. I just want to show her pain in her point of view. Sorry if it bothers you.

(Amy's POV)

I can't believe, that so much time was spent on my own, just trying to figure it out all alone. I don't show emotion, I just let it go. It's a school day today and I can't process any thoughts. I can't without thinking of...him. How will I live when my hand to hold, is letting go. My crying shoulder, is shrugging me off. It's hopeless.

Oh well, I still hope for the best. I mean, he was special to me, just because he doesn't want anything between us, doesn't mean I instantly loose feelings for him. I don't think I ever will.

As I entered the front doors of the school, I felt the weight on my shoulders become twice as heavy. I shuffled my feet over to my locker and opened it, instantly seeing picture of Sonic and me. I took one straight to the heart, and it's not easy to talk about.

I felt the pain resurfaced and I had to look away, to regain my composure. I threw my books in my locker and threw my bag over my shoulder, moving on. If only it was that easy with relationships. But then again, love has its ways.

I looked down ways, and saw Cream talking with Rouge and Blaze. I forced my lips to curl into a smile, and walked up to them. Once they saw me, their smiles dropped and their eyes filled with concern. I guess I wasn't convincing...

"What happen, pinky?" Rouge asked. I sighed, and closed my eyes tight. I had to explain all this to them. Yeah, I didn't say anything before. I didn't want to talk about it, but now I have no choice.

If I say, "Nothing." I am sure as hell, they wont believe me. Its one of the girls biggest lies.

"Sonic, that's what happened." I stated bluntly. Their eyes widened in realization.

"What did he do?!" Blaze raised her voice. I cowered in fear. She may be friendly at times, but you never EVER want to get her pissed off.

"He might have just stomped on my heart. He said that he gives up on us..." I explained, lowering my head.

"That BASTARD!" Cream stated and we all widened our eyes. She stared back at us with a curious gaze. "What?"

"You just cursed...." Rouge started.

"You never curse..." Blaze finished for her. Cream just smiled at us innocently.

"I was being expressive." she explained. We all shook it off and their gazes fixed back on me. Then Rouges eyes widened as she looked past me.

"Speaking of the devil..." She murmured under breath.

No. Not him, please!

I turned around and saw him heading down the hall in this direction. I cursed under my breath and turned back to them, with pleading eyes.

"He cant see me....what do I do?!" I asked. Cream pulled me to the side, and shoved me into the girls bathroom.

"Come on, stay in there till i tell you when the coast is clear!" Cream shouted from the other side.

I decided to wait by the door, if Sonic decided to talk to them. "HEY GUYS!"

I heard his voice ring through my ears. I listened in close, trying to hear the conversation.

"Hey Sonic." they chorused.

"Have you seen Amy? She hasn't been replying to my calls..." He asked. I felt my heart flutter. He was looking for me.

"Nope, haven't seen her today. Sorry Sonic, BYEE!" Rouge stuttered out fast. I heard footsteps going in the other direction before the door busted open, knocking me in the face. I cringed in pain as I saw Rouge standing there.

"Sorry, Pinky..." she apologized. I smiled sympathetically at her, holding my face in pain.

"Its okay, my face just hurts...that's all." I explained.

"Did you hear?" Cream asked. I nodded slowly, an empty feeling washed over me again. This is my life, I'm going to make the best of it.

"It doesn't mater, I'm over it. I'm moving on." I dusted off my red off the shoulder top and jeans before walking past them.

I shouldn't be sulking all day, it's not worth it. If everything reminds me of him, I will just have deal with it. If he dared to replace me, only then would I break down. But that hasn't happened, so I'm just...peachy.

I followed my regular schedule, a that fake smile I am used to using so well. That is, until it came to Spanish.

I walked into class, my face showing no emotion. Everything was going great, until I had to look up. And it was the biggest mistake of my life.

There was Sonic, making out with a girl.

I noticed the teacher wasn't there, so I did the first thing I thought of.

I ran.

~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~

Sorry if it's short. I don't want this story to end, just yet. :) I love this story, and I never want it to end in my opinion. Haha. Just saying.

This is Sonamyjewelkatefan signing off saying, "HAVE A FRABJOUS DAY!"

Sonic and co. (c) Sega and Sonic Team

Story plot and Drake the Fox (c) meh.

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