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Group Name: SCARLET
Members: (3/4)
Origin: Seoul, South Korea
Entertainment: FM Entertaiment
Genre: K-Rap, Pop, K-Pop

Group Name: SCARLET Members: (3/4)Origin: Seoul, South Korea Entertainment: FM EntertaimentGenre: K-Rap, Pop, K-Pop

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Group Name: BLISS
Members: (0/7)
Origin: Seoul, South Korea
Entertainment: FM Entertainment
Genre: Pop, K-Pop

Group Name: BLISSMembers: (0/7)Origin: Seoul, South KoreaEntertainment: FM Entertainment Genre: Pop, K-Pop

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Group Name: M1SS1ON
Members: (0/5)
Origin: Seoul, South Korea
Entertainment: FM Entertainment
Genre: K-Rap, Pop, Hip-Hop

(If you want to be apart of one of these groups comment; the group that you want to be in and your position.)

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