Chapter 3

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Camila was outside with Diesel and Ace, working on getting Diesel accustomed to other dogs when Lauren walked outside with a pitcher of lemonade and two empty glasses.

"I thought you could use a drink." Lauren said.

'Good old Southern hospitality.' Camila thought. She smiled. "Yeah, Thanks ma'am."

"Please stop calling me ma'am. It makes me sound like an old lady." Lauren said, pouring the drink.

Running her hand over her forehead, Camila smiles. "Sorry ma- Miss Jauregui."

"Call me Lauren, please?" Lauren asked. She handed Camila the drink.

"Yes, thank you ma'am," the soldier responds without thinking as she takes the glass.

Lauren rolled her eyes. "I asked you to stop calling me that." She responded, putting the tray down and picking up her own glass.

"I'm sorry, force of habit." Camila responds softly, sending Lauren a smile.

The soldier was dressed in a tight form fitting tanktop and a pair of khaki shorts. Her hair tied up and her dog tags as always around her neck.

Lauren took a drink of her lemonade. They were quiet for a moment before Camila spoke.

"I have something for you." The solder pulled Chris's dog tags out of her pocket. "I was given them when we got home. I forgot about them until last night and I thought you might like to have them." She said softly.

Taking the dog tags, Lauren runs her thumb over her brother's name. "Thank you." she whispers.

"You're welcome ma'am." Camila responds with a soft smile.

Lauren sent Camila a look as she put her brothers tags on. She gripped them tightly and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"What was the look for?" Camila asks in confusion.

Lauren swallowed the lump in her throat. "You called me ma'am again." She responded.

"Oh sorry," Camila says softly, sitting down on the ground as Diesel and Ace run over excitedly.

Lauren leaned against the fence and sighed. She read the information on her brother's dog tags as she held them. She found herself aching for a hug from Avery but he was with his father.

"Come here." the soldier says softly, holding her arms out upon noticing the look on Lauren's face.

Lauren swallowed. She slowly stepped over to Camila and let the soldier hug her. She made sure her walls were up enough to protect herself from getting hurt.

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." Camila whispers in her ear.

Lauren rested her head on Camila's shoulder and closed her eyes. She let herself relax as she enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on her back.

"I've got you." the brown eyed girl says softly.

Camila smiled, gently placing a kiss on Lauren's head. She didn't know why she'd done it but she did.

Lauren didn't even acknowledge the kiss.


"Mama, can we get ice cream with Lolo and Avery?" Valerie asks, tilting her head to the side.

Camila looked up at Valerie. "Why don't you go ask? It's okay with me if Lauren says yes."

Nodding her head, the little girl runs off to find Lauren.

Lauren was sitting in her office, running her fingers through her hair and biting the leg of her glasses frame.

"Miss Lolo, would you and Avery like to come get ice cream with mama and I?" Valerie asked.

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