Chapter 12

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By the time they got home, Charley was very excited to give the kitten to Lauren.

"Calm down, Charley." Camila said softly.

"But I gots mommy somethin!" the little girl says excitedly.

"I know you did, you just need to calm down." Camila said, running her fingers through Charley's hair.

Nodding her head, Charley takes an exaggerated deep breath. "I good now, we go in?"

Camila nodded. "Yeah."

Opening the door, Charley slowly makes her way inside and looks for Lauren. "Mommy?"

Lauren lifted her head. "Hi." She smiled softly.

"I got you somethin!" the little girl says excitedly.

"You got me something?" Lauren asked.

Nodding her head, the little girl looks toward Camila who was carrying a tiny crate and two full bags.

Lauren swallowed and shifted on the couch.

Charley holds her arms up for the crate. "I wanna do it."

"Okay, But it's heavy." Camila said softly.

The little girl nods, "I got it mama."

"Okay." Camila gave Charley the box.

Holding the box up, the little girl carries it over to Lauren. "Open it mommy."

"Okay." Lauren shifted and reached out to open the cage.

A tiny meow came from the back of the cage before the kitten pops its head out.

Lauren's eyes widened. "It's a cat."

"Uh huh, for you mommy." the little girl responds softly.

"For me." Lauren repeated.

Nodding her head, Charley shifts nervously. "You like mommy?"

Lauren slowly lifted the kitten out of the cage. "Wow!"

The tiny kitten meowed and looked up at Lauren.

"Hi." Lauren whispered. The kitten nuzzles Lauren's hand. Giggling, Lauren couldn't hide the smile on her face. She looked up at Charley. "Thank you." She pulled her daughter close.

Charley grins widely and curls into Lauren. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too." Lauren kissed the side of Charley's head.

"What're you gonna name her?" Charley asks softly.

"Um..." Lauren looked at the kitten. "She's tiny. So... Tiny."

The kitten meows and curls into Lauren's hand, closing her eyes.

"She's adorable." Lauren whispered.

"Charley picked her out, just for you." Camila says with a soft smile.

"Thank you." Lauren said quietly.

The three year old smiles widely. "You're welcome mommy."

Lauren wrapped her arms around Charley and held her close. The little girl smiles and relaxes against Lauren. Lauren kissed the top of Charley's head. "I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." Charley responds softly.

Lauren looked at the tiny kitten in her lap that was now asleep.

"I like her name." Charley says randomly.

"Me too." Lauren nodded. The little girl curls into Lauren and closes her eyes. Lauren looked up at Camila. "Thanks."

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