Chapter 2

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Valerie looks up from her spot at the kitchen table, crayons and a coloring book sitting in front of her. Her eyes land on the little boy who seems to be staring at her and she can't figure out why.

"I heard my mama telling my aunt Ally that your mama knew my uncle." the green eyed boy finally speaks up tilting his head to the side.

Tilting her head the little girl puts the red crayon she had in her hand down on the table. "My mama knows lots of people." looking down at her hands the little girl frowns. "She's been sad since she came home."

Standing up the little boy walks over to Valerie and places a hand on her shoulder. "My names Avery Christopher Jauregui and I'm five." he says trying to get the little girl to smile.

"I'm Valerie Elizabeth Cabello and I'm three." Valerie says softly before looking up with sad eyes. "My mama knew your uncle Chris."

Neither of them realized that they were being watched from the doorway, three separate pairs of eyes taking in the little girl in front of them.

Avery pulls a chair up closer to Valerie and grabs a coloring book. "He's dead now."

The little girl reaches over and hugs the little boy before pulling away and looking at her coloring book. "My mama's sad, Grandma says she gots PSB." she says messing up the words. "She has bad dreams a lot now too, and she says my cuddles help but she still cries sometimes when she thinks I'm sleeping."

"Avery, you need to get your bag, you have school." Lauren says as she fully walks into the kitchen, her eyes trained on Valerie who seems to have gone back to coloring.

"Aw, mama can't I stay home?" the green-eyed boy asks trying his best to pout and get her to agree.

Sighing the young mother runs a hand through her hair. "If I let you stay home you need to help out at the shelter."

"I will mama promise!" he says excitedly before turning to Valerie excitedly. "I get to stay home!"

Valerie stays quiet as she colors she didn't want to say anything to upset Avery's mama, especially since her mama went out.

"Mama, can we eat? I'm hungry." the green-eyed boy says turning back to his mother.

Valerie suddenly climbs down from her chair and heads for the door, Ace right behind her. Her head was down as she walked out the backdoor and sat on the bottom step of the porch. The little girl was running her hand through her dog's fur as she stared out at the yard, her green eyes squinting because of the sunlight.

"I've got her." Normani tells the other two women as she makes her way out the door, her hand resting on her stomach. "Hi, sweetie." she says softly moving to sit down beside the little girl. When the little girl doesn't respond to her Normani bites her lip and places her hand on Valerie's arm. "Do you want to talk sweetie?"

"Mama says I can't talk to strangers." Valerie says quickly, glancing in the dark-skinned woman's direction.

A soft smile rises on Normani's lips as she rubs the little girl's arm. "Well, I'm not a stranger at all sweetie. My fiancé worked with your mama."

"You mean the sad lady with the fake leg?" Valerie asks turning to face Normani fully.

"Yes, that's the one." Normani chuckles as she reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind Valerie's ear.

A small sad smile crosses the brunette's lips. "Mama's sad too."

"I know sweetie." Normani says softly as her heart breaks for the little girl. "Why don't we go inside and get some food into your belly." she says as she makes a move to stand up.

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