Chapter 16

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A few months later

Camila smiles as she gently rocks one of the babies. "He's perfect."

"Yeah." Lauren said through a yawn.

"So is she." Camila says softly, looking toward their daughter.

Lauren nodded, fighting to keep her eyes open.

"Get some sleep." the soldier says softly.

Lauren shifted on the bed and placed her daughter down in her bassinet. She lay down and closed her eyes.

Laying Christopher down, Camila moves to the bed and kisses Lauren's forehead.

Wriggling down under the sheets, Lauren closed her eyes.

"I love you." Camila says softly.

"I love you too." Lauren mumbled sleepily.

Smiling softly, Camila lays down beside Lauren.

Lauren rolled onto her side and curled up in Camila's arms. 

Holding her close, Camila kisses Lauren's forehead. "Sleep."

Lauren let her body relax and her eyes flutter closed.

Slowly, Camila fell asleep, holding Lauren close.

Lauren had fallen asleep as soon as her eyes closed.


Two hours later

Christopher was crying in his bassinet.

Lauren jumped awake, breathing heavily. She sat up quickly. She felt like she'd just woken up from a nightmare.

The baby was still crying loudly, kicking his feet angrily.

Taking a deep breath, Lauren got up. She moved over to the bassinet and lifted her son out. "Hey, shh, you're okay." She mumbled sleepily.

Turning his head, Christopher nuzzles her chest as he continues to cry.

Lauren sat down on the edge of the bed. She pulled her shirt down and let her son latch onto her nipple.

Relaxing, Christopher began to nurse, his eyes fluttering closed.

Lauren took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Another soft cry catches her attention, signaling her daughter is awake.

Lauren let out a tired breath and opened her eyes.

Brooklyn was kicking her feet in her crib, continuing to softly cry.

"Camz?" Lauren nudged Camila.

Jumping awake, Camila sits up and rubs her eyes. "I'm sorry, did I fall asleep?" the soldier asks in confusion.

"We both did." Lauren said quietly.

Getting up, Camila moves over to the crib  and lifts Brooklyn up. "I think we're both just so exhausted."

Lauren nodded in agreement.

Brooklyn nuzzles Camila's chest, she was hungry but didn't eat as much as Christopher.

"Is he almost done?" Camila asked softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her fiancé.

Lauren shrugged. "Maybe we should put him on formula because he eats so much."

"Maybe " Camila responds softly.

Lauren rested her head on Camila's shoulder and yawned.

Brooklyn continued to fuss, kicking her feet.

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